Bible StudyJennifer H.Yates

Bible Study with Jennifer – 1 Thessalonians

Each Thanksgiving as my family gathers around the table, we usually take time to tell something for which we are thankful. As most families do, we take turns sharing our blessings—family, faith, good food (of course!), good health, and good friends. I love this time together with my family and the spirit of gratitude that prevails as we gather to give thanks. As I have been reading through 1 Thessalonians, I have noticed that Paul’s words of thanksgiving were much different from the usual blessings we are accustomed to acknowledging here in the West. He expressed gratitude for the Thessalonian followers of Jesus, their response to the Gospel, and their perseverance under severe persecution.

Please read 1 Thessalonians, chapters 1-3.

In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul encouraged the new converts by expressing his thankfulness for their faith. He reminded them of the deep conviction the Holy Spirit brought to them when they heard the Gospel message. Although these believers faced opposition for their faith in Christ, his gratitude for them served as a reminder of the reason they believed in Christ. His thanksgiving for their courage and steadfastness in the face of persecution would have been an encouragement to continue to stand firm.

How often do we take the time to verbally give thanks for those who serve God and stand firm in the face of opposition? Perhaps you know some believers who have struggled to hold onto their faith this past year. Maybe some of your brothers and sisters in the Lord have faced spiritual oppression or grief. How can you give thanks for their faith and encourage them to continue to stand strong?

Please read 1 Thessalonians, chapters 4-5.

In this last section of Paul’s letters to the believers in Thessalonica, he exhorted them to live in a way that pleases God. He encouraged the believers to continue to work hard and win the respect of outsiders amidst a pagan culture. Paul reminded them that the Lord will return, therefore they should continue to live for Him with love and holiness, being joyful, praying continually, and giving thanks in all circumstances.

We often read those verses and wonder how to be thankful under difficult circumstances. But Paul’s words are an encouragement that as citizens of the kingdom over which Christ reigns, we have every reason to be thankful. It’s the spiritual blessings and the hope of Christ’s return for which we can be grateful, even in times of hardship.

Thessalonica was the largest city in Macedonia, a busy seaport that served as a center for trade and communication. Many of the converts were former pagans who worshiped idols (1:9-10). For those recent converts, living a godly life would have been a challenge. But he exhorted them to be thankful no matter what and to live with joy. We, too, can be thankful in all circumstances as we focus our hearts on the kingdom of God. And we can encourage those around us to be thankful as well. This Thanksgiving, how can you and your family give thanks in a new and different way? How can you express your gratitude for your brothers and sisters in Christ in a way that encourages them to keep their joy amidst suffering?

James 1:17 stands as a reminder that every good gift comes from the Father: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows (NIV).”

Let’s be thankful, not just for our family, our health, and our many material blessings, but let’s also remember to express our gratitude for the spiritual blessings God has poured out into our lives. 

Practical Applications:

Make a list of the spiritual blessings for which you and your family are thankful. Remember to share those as you give thanks around the table this year.

Write out on note cards some Bible verses on thankfulness to share as you gather for Thanksgiving. Let each family member read one before sharing something for which they are grateful.

Prayerful Response:

Father, thank you for Your presence in our lives. Give us grateful hearts as we consider your many spiritual blessings. Amen.