Risa Haasbroek

7 Simple Steps to Stick to your New Year’s Resolutions this Year

Forty percent of Americans make New Year Resolutions.
Do they keep them?

Afraid not!

In 2018 Forbes magazine cited research showing after 30 days 80% of people have given up on their resolutions.

Eventually only 8% keep to the plans they had on New Year’s Eve.
You don’t want to be part of these grim statistics. Try my 7 simple steps to make sure you stick to your resolutions this year.

1. KISS your resolution
K.I.S.S stands for Keep It Simple, Sister. Very good advice, because the science is clear multi-tasking doesn’t work. That’s why it’s against the law to text while you drive.
God wired your brain to do one thing at a time. A focused mind is an amazing asset.
Make a list of everything you’d like to accomplish in 2021. And then pick one and only one you’ll start with.

Perhaps you’re thinking you want to achieve more than just this one goal this year.
Think of it this way. Setting a goal and hitting it is a skill. If you master this skill in one area of your life, you can use it in the next and the next and the next.
But for now, pick one goal you want to work on. Also, get very specific about your goal. Exactly, how much weight do you want to lose? In specific pounds. How much money do you want to make? Write down the specific dollar amount.

2. Find your why
We are motivated by our emotions to do things. God gave you feelings to help you make better decisions, to adjust your life and live life to its fullest. Use this gift he gave you.

Ask yourself why you want to do this one thing you picked. Dig deep into your soul and find a compelling reason you want to do it.

It doesn’t have to be a lofty reason. But it has to be a reason that touches your heart and inspires you.

For instance, if you want to lose weight, you needn’t harp on all the health reasons to do that. If your reason for losing weight is that you want to get into a beautiful bathing costume next summer, that’s okay.

Or if you want to make more money because you don’t want to stress so much about making ends meet it’s fine too.

Just because you’re a Christian doesn’t mean your reason for making more money must be to give donations to the poor. Choose a personal reason that will compel you into action.

Of course, you can later give money to other people too, but start with your own desires.

Write down your compelling reason. Make a beautiful card out of it. Write it on a sticky note. Record yourself saying it. Put some background music on your recording.
Let the why of your goal fill your heart and your mind.

3. Take baby steps
Now it’s time to make your plan. The instinctual part of your brain doesn’t like change and it doesn’t like hard work. So, you have to trick it. And you trick it by taking very small steps till your brain gets used to them.
Ask yourself what a small, simple step you can take today to reach your goal.

• Do you want to lose weight? Skipping dessert is a small way to start.
• Do you want to have more sales in your network marketing? Reach out to one potential client every day.
• Do you want to start exercising? Daily go for a 10-minute-walk.
Also decide when you’re going to do it. Where will you do it? For how long will you keep going?

It may feel so small but remember you’re tricking your brain into a new way of doing things. Consistency is king. Here’s my secret formula for that: small steps + every day = huge results.

4. Be ready for the excuses
When the time comes for you to take that small step, your brain is not going to want to do it. It will come up with excuses.
Have some strategies to show your brain who’s boss. Here are three kinds you can use.

  • 1. Thinking strategies
    Remember your compelling reason from step 2? Now is the time to get out your beautiful card or listen to your recording. Remind yourself again and again why you want to reach this goal.
  • 2. Feeling strategies
    You came up with a compelling reason because then it will create feelings in you that will help you keep on track. What is the feeling your compelling reason generates for you? For a few moments sit in that feeling with closed eyes. Let that wonderful emotion flood your body and your brain.
  • 3. Acting strategies
    You can also do things differently to help you take those small steps. For instance, prepare healthy food ahead of time, or if you need to call potential clients have their numbers before you start or lay out your exercise clothes the night before.

5. Start over
You’re not going to keep to your resolutions every day. Life happens. Your instinctual brain wins the battle over your planning brain. Be ready for the times when you mess up.
Now what?
The next day just start over. Go back to your plan and stick with it again.
Remember sticking to a goal is a skill you’re teaching yourself. It takes time. Beating yourself up serves no purpose. If you slip up, start over.

6. Celebrate
Every week make time to take a look at how you’re faring.
Don’t focus on your failures at first. Celebrate every little success. Even if you haven’t lost an ounce, but said no to dessert three times that week, that counts as a win. That’s you teaching yourself how to set goals and reach them.
In this way you’re making it easier for your instinctual brain to stick to the plan. You’re giving it nice feedback and it starts associating good feelings with this project. That will make it stay on your side for the next week.

7. Tweak
In your weekly evaluation session, you’re also going to ask yourself what you can do differently.

Say you are losing some weight or are getting some sales, now ask yourself how you can take the next baby step.

How can you tweak your actions to take you to a slightly higher level?

Yes, it will take longer to reach your goals this way. But it’s much more sustainable. It’s a good way you make sure you’re part of the 8% who do stick to their New Year’s Resolutions.

Risa Haasbroek is a certified Christian life coach who helps you live with intention, the way God intended. Download her free journal of 30 days of loving yourself HERE:
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