Christian StoriesMelissa HendersonSharing Life & Faith

A Blossom for You

“Here you go, Mimi. I picked a blossom for you.” The small hand of a neighborhood child reached toward me. A wilted yellow dandelion had been plucked out of the ground and was held by a brown-haired five-year-old boy. His gift was from the heart.

I smiled and accepted the precious weed. “Thank you. You are nice to give me a flower.”

The boy looked at the ground and grinned. His gesture was kind and loving. I often have conversations with many of the neighborhood youngsters. Our yard is sometimes filled with kids of all ages, especially when our grandchildren are visiting. We play tag, hide and seek, fly toy airplanes, and use bubble wands to create large shapes that float through the air. The giggles and joy expressed by young and old bring happiness to everyone.

I enjoy gardening and growing a variety of beautiful flowers. Although I don’t plant and grow dandelions on purpose, those yellow delights pop up all over the yard. Along with green clover patches, yellow dandelions have a way of growing in the hardest and most unhealthy soil.

God gives us blossoms to enjoy. From the bright colors of yellow daisies, orange marigolds, and bright pink hibiscus, to the deep greens of variegated vines, the creations of God are amazing. Some flowers have delightful scents. Others are without smell. Some need special fertilizer and a certain amount of water.

How often do we pause to thank God for the flowers and the weeds? Pollen comes before the blossoms. Many sneezes and stuffy noses are experienced during Spring. The yucky green and yellow pollen fog fills the air and covers everything in sight.

Yet, after that time of sneezing and allergy troubles, the coating of grime leaves and blossoms spring forth. In each moment of life, we can thank God for the opportunity to learn from our troubles and then, go forth and blossom into thanksgiving.

God has told us that we would have trials on this earth. Heaven will be the place where all troubles will be gone and there will be no more tears, sickness, or sadness.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)

Through each heartache, trouble, and worry, God is always present. Scripture reminds us of the love for His creations.

“And behold, I am always with you, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20 NIV)

After the rain, the blossoms appear. We can rest in peace knowing that the blossoms are coming. Those beautiful creations can sprout even in the hardest and most stressful times.

Have you planted flowers? How have you shared the blossoms of God’s love?

In His Name,
Melissa Henderson

10 thoughts on “A Blossom for You

  • I love how your kind heart and your delight in children and life in general brings the whole neighborhood together, for a gracious and loving woman of God is a powerful tool in God’s hands to make clear to all those gathered that they are precious, they are seen, they are cared for, and they are loved. You show the love of God to everyone you interact with, Melissa. You are such a blessing!

    • Thank you for your continued precious encouragement. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  • Yvonne Morgan

    What an amazing blessing to know He is always with us, in the good and the bad. And each year He shows us His love through the beautiful spring flowers all around us. Thanks Nancy for a lovely post.

  • There’s always something to be thankful for in the beautiful world that God designed, and flowers top the list!

    • I agree. There is always something to be thankful for in God’s beautiful world. Have a blessed Easter! 🙂

  • We’re enjoying tree blossoms and forsythia now. Flowers soon to come. Great post, Melissa. God bless!

  • Jessica Brodie

    I imagine those kids love having you in their lives… someone who looks them in the eyes and truly sees them. “After the rain, the blossoms appear.” Such truth. You are definitely a “blossom” in my life. Bless you!

    • Thank you dear friend. You are truly a blessing in my life. Today, I was outside and heard a voice say, “Mimi, wait, I’m coming to pick flowers for you.” Yes, the sweet boy visited again. He asked if I would put the flowers in my vase again. I told him “yes”. He smiled and said, “I want you to put lots of water in the vase so the little flowers can reach the water.” This boy is a precious gift from God. 🙂 Have a blessed Easter!

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