BE-GRATITUDESDaily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim

BE-Gratitudes: 30 Days of Positive Attitudes – LOVED!

November 25th, 2021

Day Twenty-Five: LOVED!

Jeremiah 31:3, ‘The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying, “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, with lovingkindness I have drawn you.’” (NKJV)

I picture it like this. A love affair extraordinaire.

He whipped out His brush, and with the incredible meticulousness of a fine Artist, He began to create a Masterpiece. With every brushstroke a sunrise spilled across the canvas before Him. Muted peaches and pale yellows, soft pinks and lush purples colored the sky. Gulls He dotted on the aurora lifted off the scene and gracefully flapped lazy wings toward a rising sun just as a gentle breeze stirred leafy branches rising from His pen. A mystical fog swirled with the ebb and flow of traveling surf, and just like that, with the flick of His wrist, waves crescendoed and burst spray across pumice rock risen from the sea. He sighed and daybreak woke.

He mused, and an outline of me floated into being. I watched from a distance in awe as I took shape. He whistled as He worked, a flourish of His charcoal left windswept hair and arms which hung at my sides and knobby knees. As He dabbed at paints imagining watercolor eyes, ocean air sang its own song, toying with the seagulls’ cry, and I longed to speak. But no sound came forth. Puzzled, He paused, but suddenly a big smile broke across His face. Taking my face within His weathered hands, He looked deep into my eyes, and at once He breathed into me the breath of life, and a heart began to beat in my chest. The thrum of my heart and His hum as He sang over me filled in blurry edges. And I became. He has drawn me painstakingly with lovingkindness, every outline, every detail, every wrinkle. I am grateful to Him for Life, to be loved.

Do you know you are loved too by a Holy God? If only you could see yourself through His eyes!