BE-GRATITUDESDaily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim

BE-Gratitudes: 30 Days of Positive Attitudes – Purposed

November 28th, 2021

Day Twenty-Eight: Purposed

Romans 8:28-30, ‘So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are His lovers who have been called to fulfill His designed purpose. For He knew all about us before we were born and He destined us from the beginning to share the likeness of His Son. This means the Son is the oldest among a vast family of brothers and sisters who will become just like Him. Having determined our destiny ahead of time, He called us to Himself and transferred His perfect righteousness to everyone He called. And those who possess His perfect righteousness He co-glorified with His Son!’ (TPT)

So often I think it is all about me. That God dreamed and I became; He breathed, and I breathed too; He led, and I faltered, and eventually, when I was ready, He called and brought me back. He rescued me, and even though we didn’t know each other well, because it had been so long, He knew me intimately anyway. And He wrote me into this great story of His and His redeeming work in me is miraculous…all He has done for me. Right?! Right and wrong!

We got to know He has a purpose for each of us too. So when we sidestep, walk off His beaten path for us, have an ‘oopsie-daisy’, become headstrong and obstinate and choose or even forge our own path rather than take His, it changes things in His hemisphere too. Not that the God of the Universe is surprised by anything you or I say or do—and He has an answer for all of it anyway—we still have to recognize that what He purposed—or destined—can and is interrupted by our demands and the human condition and posture of our hearts.

Does it make Him sad when I screw up, I have often wondered? He is a gracious Father and a good God, and His heart beats for you and me, continuously, eternally. But I believe He knows I will falter and stumble just as my parents accepted the waywardness of my wandering spirit and, although they didn’t choose for me the things that went bump in the night, they allowed me to be knocked over and get up again. I believe our Father God is quite the same. I don’t believe He ever gives up though; I believe He always keeps hoping and believing and wanting the very best for us and of us to come to fruition. He may shift His plan and repurpose our mistakes and redesign what Satan meant for evil to use it for His good, but I believe He is always, forever, eternally, on our behalf.

God, You have purposed me for so much greater than what I pursued for so long. Thank you, Father, for standing with me, for helping me scavenge the puzzled pieces of my life until finally I would let You put them in place, each one, one at a time, where each one belonged. I love You, Holy God.

Do you know He has purposed you for something so great and amazing? What is your purpose?