DevotionalsGoodness & Grace DevotionalKerry S. Teravskis


So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the LORD! Psalm 31:24

When I was in high school I went to church camp and did all kinds of adventures. One of which was rappelling. Not something I had experience in, but I was always up for something new.

We hiked to a mountain face, let the rope slide over the rock and the belayer went down first – then me. Why I went first I have no idea but I did. I went, Willy-nelly and everything was going great until…..I slipped. Yes, slipped. About 50 feet down the face of the mountain. The good thing? I still held on, but my hands got shredded in the process. For some reason my belayer was not quick to stop me, but my God gave me courage and strength to endure this slip.

I landed on a toothpick of rock and assessed. Shock had settled in, we had to get the rest of the team down before moving forward so I was able to breathe for a bit. I was scared, but in the moment I recognized courage and strength was given when I needed it.

Because I was young and pretty fearless, I didn’t think much of the possible danger. I just did it. Thrill seeking is not my motto, nor is extreme sports, but there does come a time when we just have to do things:

Praying out loud in front of strangers. Sharing the gospel with a neighbor, or even a loved one (which seems to be the harder of the two). A visit to the hospital no matter the circumstance. Speaking in front of others. Flying if you’re prone to fear of planes.

Yes, God wants us to be strong and courageous but He does not want us to go alone. He is our Strength so we can be strong. He gives us courage so we can accomplish all things in Him. When we say, “I can’t” He says, “You can.”

Jesus told His disciples to have faith in God (Mark 11:22). They were in Jerusalem, the Monday of Passion Week. Jesus had been talking to them about His upcoming death and resurrection. He prophesied about the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem. He was telling them so much – and they were not getting most of it. (I probably would not have gotten it either.)

They needed faith. They needed strength. They needed courage for the upcoming week in Jesus’s life – in their lives as well. Some failed, fell asleep, denied, left.

When we lean on Jesus we can go the distance. In the face of adversity we can be strong to face the face of a mountain. We can have courage when we slip – to get back up and keep going. Much like the disciples – yes, they blew it. But these boys were the start of the church! They were EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit and wow! The church was born.

As we put our hope in YAHWEH great things can be done in and through us for His Name and glory.

Oh Jesus. I am afraid at times. There are hard things in front of me, but I WILL put my hope in You. I WILL put my fears in Your hands and walk courageously in faith because You are my Strength. With You all things are possible. Every. Thing. AMEN