International WriterMarriageMercy Magdaline Mathew

Becoming One

The Art of Mastering your Marriage in God: Leaving, Joining (Cleaving) and Becoming One Flesh!

When God made man (Adam), He said, “It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him a helper comparable to him” (Genesis 2:18). God was displeased to see Adam’s loneliness and desired to make a helper who would be a source of support and help, and walk aside him in all the paths of life in unity. God’s plan was distinct. It was a woman – the wife to the man. It was not a father, a mother, a brother or a sister, but a woman who would join with man and be his help, and together they would be blessed and fruitful. “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God has taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man” (Genesis 2:21-22). This was the first surgery with a spiritual purpose; one of Adam’s ribs was used to create a woman. God Almighty intended that Adam’s inadequacy was made complete with the heavenly personage – Abba Father our God and an earthly companion – the woman (his wife). It was only Eve who was empowered to be a companion for Adam. How wonderful it is to see that God brought the woman to the man and He was pleased with His creation as He saw them together. God showed His sovereignty over the most intimate relationship on earth, which foreshadows His heavenly fulfillment.  

When God brought the woman to man, it was Marriage! God providentially established this covenant for man and woman; the greatest establishment on earth of a bond of honor. The only earthly covenant that God desired even before the existence of any other relationships was marriage. God said that “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they will become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) What a profound expression Adam could make the moment he saw his woman. It was a divine covenant and commitment affirming the woman as his own.

Marriage is the greatest intimacy on earth that is preeminent in the Father’s eyes and has the supremacy over all other human bonds. It has its essence of holiness and purity as it’s from the Maker. This relationship takes the second position in the hierarchy of a husband and wife. The foremost is a man and woman’s relationship and intimacy with God and then as husband and wife in union on earth. A Marriage union is of utmost significance in God’s eyes and no other relationship on earth can replace this oneness. The establishment of marriage illuminates our lives to the reality of eternity. When we are aware and convicted of God’s purpose of marriage, both as husband and wife we will give God the reverence in this institution and ensure permanence as its aim. For in reverence to God through this earthly intimacy, we further honor God as we wait eagerly for our Heavenly Call when our Bridegroom takes us as His Bride to the place He has prepared for us. 

Marriages have formed a breach, detached and broken-down due to the absence of God and the inability to  partner according to godly principles. Many marriages across the globe have failed and still others are on the verge of destruction despite the vows made before God. Let us seek God so that we may persevere in our marriages, love and forgive our spouses and keep the enemy defeated as he constantly schemes to steal and destroy godly marriages. 

God wants us to know His heart and desire to fulfill His purposes in our marriage. It is His divine will to preserve the savor in marriages. A Spirit-led leaving, cleaving and becoming one flesh accelerates the art of mastering marriage in intimacy, oneness and depth of willingness to satisfy one another.  

Yes, becoming one flesh intensifies the intimacy not only in body, but also unity and oneness in spirit and soul. Every marriage that has God in it, will transcend through the process of leaving, cleaving and becoming one flesh. The cord that is bound as threefold: God, man and woman cannot be broken by the wiles of the devil, no matter what storms or floods rise against it. A marriage is preserved by God as it’s foundation, without Him it is in vain and can be a target to satan. 

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. (Psalm 127:1) 

You need to withstand the storms and persevere in the hardest of times. You may have failed, fallen, and messed up in your marriage but through God you can build it again. In a phase where all hope is lost and all you can see is the end of destruction and its consequences; take the step to fortify and secure your home. While God desires that every house is built on Him as a strong foundation, the enemy is reckless and wants to see the destruction of every marriage. The devil is outrageous in his exploits, in order to make you weak to the extent where you will easily give up, burst-out or collapse in your pursuit to preserve your home. 


Mercy Magdaline (in God’s Service ministering, counseling and praying with women across the globe to stand in the gap to uphold their marriages before God)Email: