Amy WhitlockAuthor Bios

Amy Whitlock Bio

Amy Whitlock is a homeschool mother of four. She studied Family Herbalism through Naturally Healthy and stays busy running a household full of boys, two of whom have special needs (autism and autoimmune disease). She and her husband also have one, ever-so-sweet grandson. They revel in this new role and have discovered that grandparenting is lots of fun.

Drinking a piping hot cup of coffee, reading, and conducting research are a few of the activities that Amy enjoys. She also loves to write and encourage women as they wade through their own ebb and flow of life.
“Tell it to God! He already knows it. He just wants to hear it from you. He wants your fellowship” is Amy’s motto. She is currently working on her first book with West Bow Press, publishes short guest articles on blogs, and works on other forms of article submissions.

You can find Amy Whitlock on Facebook and on Instagram (NewMerciesFound) or on her website,, which is currently under construction.