DevotionalsGoodness & Grace DevotionalKerry S. Teravskis

Camp Life

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Psalm 19:1 NIV

I did not grow up camping. I did however live in the Big Bear mountains in Southern California for about 2 years as a child, which to many, would be considered the ideal camping vacation. We had a cabin and endless pine trees, snow, a small lake, fishing, blue skies; a camper’s dream.

Fast-forward to our first camping trip with our firstborn son when he was 7 months old. We were at a church camp in the Sequoias, brought a tent trailer and it was July. We packed appropriately, brought all his baby gear to help make this long weekend memorable for him.

Turns out it was memorable for us. Remember the movie Sleepless in Seattle? Well, we made a sequel – Sleepless in the Sequoias. Yup – Andrew did not sleep for 3 nights. Not much during the day either. And when a baby doesn’t sleep, neither do his parents.

Of course, it would be the coldest July, and being inexperienced campers did not help. To say that I should have been looking up at God’s handiwork those evenings would be great – I wasn’t. I was griping and complaining and planning an exit from the gorgeous mountains. I did stay, and we ended up carrying him around in a backpack all day so he would sleep with us and be warm. (What’s funny is another family member was up with her children that first night repacking the trunk of her car to make the getaway too with her non-sleeping children!)
Camping is either a love relationship or not. And that’s not counting the tent or facilities (or lack thereof). Now, I absolutely love camping – tent, dry camping, our trailer or somewhere in between. We have taken many, many camping trips and have gotten much more experienced at packing the proper gear.

Yes, star gazing is now one of our activities. My husband knows the constellations and will have us looking up at God’s creation. We recall that God calls out the stars by name every night. We think about light years, orbits, falling stars, planets, the Milky Way – God’s wonderful creativity.

When I look at the night sky and see the work of Your fingers – the moon and the stars You set in place. Psalm 8:3 NLT

When we look, we consider, and our minds and hearts need to worship the Creator and not the creation. All creation speaks of His majesty. It is easier to gaze at the night sky while in a remote campground, but may we take the time to do it in our own backyards. Or, at least get away from the city lights for a moment to see God’s vast beautiful work of His fingers, and truly worship Him.

Oh Creator God – Your works are wonderful. They truly are a masterpiece. Colorful, perfect, beautiful. May I take the time to gaze at Your works – whether the night sky, a newborn babe, or my neighbor across the street. May I see You everywhere my eyes look. May I not lose sight of You in my every day life and may I worship You in all Your splendor. AMEN