40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 20 – Fit For Life Challenge

It’s Day 20!

Halfway through our 40 Days of Faith and Fitness! I’m on my way home from a beautiful week in Destin spent with my family! We had a great week full of laughter, great food and lots of fun in the sun! On the beautiful beach there were lots of families. There were white families, black families, brown families, and blended families. Everyone was having fun and all getting along.. all there to enjoy God’s wonderful creation and enjoy their families. Call me Polly Anna, but I couldn’t help but look around and think.. we’re all alike. Why does there have to be so much division and hate? We are all created by a loving God and created in His image. Unfortunately sin has caused ugliness, meanness, and division. Sometimes I think , what difference can one person make? What can I do? Then I remember what I can do that makes all the difference..and that simply is to love. If we would each just do this one thing, yes, it would make a difference. Read what Jesus said,”I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

It is our place to love. We are called to love. That’s how this world will know that you are a follower of Christ… not necessarily how many Bible verses you can quote, or how many church committees you are on… but if you love people. All people.

Action Step 20👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Pray today for a fresh new love for people, to see others the way Jesus sees them. If it we would all do that, yes it will make a difference or Jesus wouldn’t have told us to do it. Happy Sunday y’all!