40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 25 – Fit For Life Challenge

Good Morning! ☀️

It’s Day 25!

Let’s start with a verse. It’s a good one! Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
I love that verse. But one thing that verse DOES NOT say is that all things are good. We certainly know that to be true! In this life we will face problems, sickness, loss, and pain. But what this verse DOES say is that God takes all things and works them together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. A chemist can take chemicals, that in and of themselves can be useless or even dangerous, but mixed together correctly can create a medicine to bring healing. Think about table salt. It is made up of sodium and chloride. Neither one of those, if they were alone, would you sprinkle on your food! But you put them together and you have salt! Salt not only brings out the flavor in our food, it is essential to life. Like these examples, God takes everything in our life, the good and the bad , and works them together for our ultimate good! No, our circumstances aren’t always good, but we can trust He will use everything for our good! I want to break that verse down into three truths that we can hang on to as believers.

1. Right off the bat, this verse tells us that we can KNOW that all things work together for good… this isn’t just a hope, or a maybe.. this is a promise! We can know that whatever is going on in our life.. even the tough and painful things… God will use it for our good. We know it because he says it!
2. He’s working everything together for our good! God is God and I’m not! He can see around corners. He knows my beginning and my end. He knows what I need before I do! I can trust that He knows more about my good than I do! He doesn’t cause bad things to happen. We live in a fallen world full of sin, sickness and death. But he can use ALL things to work together for my good! This is where, like a child, I must trust and know that He is in control and He knows best!
3. Lastly, there’s a condition to this verse. This verse, this promise, is for those who love God and are called according to His purpose! If you are a Christ follower, this is you! God’s ultimate purpose for us is to make us more and more like Christ!
So wherever you are right now in your life, and whatever your circumstances are, if you love God, you can KNOW that ALL things are working together for your good! It’s a promise. You can take that to the bank! Trust Him! He knows what is best for us!

Action Step 25👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
God’s word is a love letter to you! It is full of promises and insight on living a full, happy life following Him! Don’t just see reading your Bible as a box you must check off! Today, set aside some quiet time to meditate on this verse we read today, or wherever God leads you to read! Let Him speak to your heart today!