40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 29 – Fit For Life Challenge

It’s Day 29! I hope your week is off to a great start! Hopefully you are preparing healthy meals and snacking on healthy snacks, and moving every day! If not, it’s a new day! Let’s do this!
Read this, Proverbs 29:18,”Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Let me ask you, do you have a vision for your life? Do you have big dreams and big goals? Do you ever ask God to help you see clearly the vision that He has for your life? Are you passionate and excited about what’s happening in your life? I hope so! I mean, we all have days when we lack motivation or even struggle to get out of the bed. But overall, do you feel you lack zeal in your life? Do you feel you just aren’t motivated or just do not have much energy? Sadly, many people go through life, just going through the motions…without much purpose and without intention. The weight of past mistakes, fear of failure, worry, regrets, and even shame can weigh us down and cloud our vision for our life. We can literally spin our wheels in the same place in life because we put unnecessary limitations on ourselves. Most of all, we need Jesus and His direction! He is the cure for hopelessness and emptiness!

God has given each one of us unique gifts and talents, interests, and passions. What if each one of us really prayed and asked God to reveal to us His purpose for THIS SEASON of your life and to instill in us His dream for our lives?

Whatever your passion is, or career you are in, God can use your talents and strengths for His glory! That is the most satisfying and fulfilling thing in the world! Doing the things you love, using what God has given you, for a higher purpose! But….it has to start with a vision! You may say your life is pretty mundane, or you may think you really don’t have much influence on the people around you. Ask God to light a spark in you! Ask Him to show you how He can use you right where you are! More than likely, there is something deep down you’d love to accomplish, or a change you’d like to make in the direction your life is going. Now is the time to ask God to show you a clear vision! Seek Him! Surrender to what He wants to do in your life, then aim for the target! You know the old saying,”If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it everytime!”
Once you see a vision for your life, a positive change, a goal, or a dream that God has laid on your heart… make sure everything you’re doing in your life aims in the right direction. Discipline in our life comes easier when we take the right aim… at the right target…and the determination will come as well. Pray for strength and perseverance. Ask Him to show you the things that are holding you back or things that are wasting your time.

It’s amazing what the Lord can do in the heart of anyone who is fully committed to Him and to His work! Ask God to light a fire in you today! Life is a gift! Let’s make the most of it today!

Action Step 29👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Here is a little workout you can do at home that requires no equipment and takes only 8 minutes! The round of exercises takes four minutes, so go through it twice. Get your metabolism going to start your day!