40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 30 – Fit For Life Challenge

Wow! I can’t believe it’s Day 30 of our 40 Days of Faith and Fitness! This morning I want to talk a little bit about control. We’ve been talking a lot about our goals and plans in our life. As human beings, it is sometimes hard for us to trust God with all the many things we have going on in our life. We want to be self-reliant and be in control of things. We want to take the reins and run things. Remember the song “Jesus Take the Wheel”? That’s really what we need to do as Christians in order to be truly successful, productive and effective in our lives. There’s a lot out there on self-empowerment. I’m all for this, but I know that the power comes from God! When we try to muster up everything we need on our own, when we try to “have it all together” in our power, we end up worn out, stressed out and burned out! We feel pressure from all sides because we’re not focused on the things that God would have us to be doing! We try to do it all and control it all ! We can get overwhelmed, drained, anxious and even depressed! It is so important that we learn to have faith and trust God, instead of trying to take on the world on our own. He says to come to Him and take His yoke upon us.. His yoke is easy and his burden is light! When we give our plans, our work, our lives to Him, that’s when we truly find rest for our souls! We find peace and we find joy!

I think of learning to trust God kind of like learning to ride a bike. We get on the bike and God is right there with us, like a good Dad, holding on and running with us! We are just learning so we have training wheels on! He is right there, guiding us on where we need to go. He’s cheering us on and teaching us. Sometimes we fall down and He is right there to help us get back on track. The more we practice trusting Him, the more we trust Him! We can look back on our life and see how He was always there! Soon God takes the training wheels off, and we are trusting Him and including Him in more and more areas of our life! Yes we still fall. Yes we still want to take the wrong path sometimes, and we hit bumps along the way. But He is always there. We learn to trust God the same way we learn to ride a bike… by doing it! We learn to trust God, by trusting God! We learn that He knows best! He puts us on the right path! Soon we are riding with joy and wild anticipation of where He is taking us! We have peace because we know He’s right there with us. We have joy in the journey!

Hebrews 11:1 says,”Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

If we can see it, then it’s not faith. Sometimes we have no idea where the road He has us on is leading. Sometimes we just can’t see how this is going to work out, or maybe the road we are on is a tough one. But instead of trying to figure it all out, and trying to control everything, and getting stressed out trying to do it all.. we need to learn to ride the bike of Faith. He has great things in store for us! I don’t know about you but I want the peace and joy of knowing He’s in control and He’s right there with me through it all!

Action Step 30👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Today spend some time in prayer and tell God you want the peace and joy of trusting Him in your journey. Think of areas where maybe you haven’t had faith in Him and are trying to take everything on in your own power. Give it to Him. Come to Him and let him give you rest… peace and joy!