40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 39 – Fit For Life

It is Day 39! 😀 Only one more day left in our 40 Days of Faith and Fitness! Today I want to take some of the things we’ve talked about throughout the last 38 days and tie them together. As I’ve said several times, to truly be healthy as a total person we need to be healthy in our mind, body and spirit. It takes all three elements working together. We need a strong, healthy body; we need a mind that is at peace; and a spirit in tune with our Creator! And none of the things I just listed are an end in themselves. They are all for a purpose! It’s what I like to think of as living on purpose! Every season of your life has its purposes! If you’re still alive … and yes you are!…. you have a purpose!

We were put on this Earth to make a contribution. We weren’t created just to consume resources and take up space! God designed you to make a difference with your life! Most books you will read about healthy living will tell you to “get” the most out of your life. I’m all for living life to fullest, but just seeing how we can “get” the most out of our life isn’t why we were created.

God wants us to GIVE something back. We all have gifts, passions, and talents that He has given us! We have people that God has placed directly in our life! God has called us to serve Him by serving others. We have a mission! We need to be fit for that mission!

Ephesians 2:10 says ,”For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

Did you get that? We are God’s workmanship! If we are His workmanship, then I’d say we are His masterpieces because it was God doing the creating! He didn’t create us just to be that though, it was for good work that He prepared for us to do ahead of time! You were born at this precise time in history for a purpose! Remember we read that because of God’s great mercy, we are to offer ourselves as living sacrifices! We are not our own! We were bought with the blood of Jesus! Whenever we are serving others in any way, we are actually serving God!

When we eat healthy food to nourish our bodies with the best fuel possible, and we exercise, we are preparing our bodies for the good work that He has for us to do every single day! We are practicing discipline and self-control! If you are sick, tired, or weak it’s harder to do those things! If we put the right stuff in our minds, not obsessing over ourselves, and focus on the word,; casting all our cares on Him, we are going to have a more peaceful mind! A peaceful mind is freed up to do these good works! If our spirit is in tune with the Holy Spirit, we will be growing, becoming more like Jesus! Our spiritual eyes will be open to recognize those opportunities for His good work! See how it all comes together?

Being physically fit or healthy isn’t the end goal. It’s SO you can do the things in your life He has called you to do! Being spiritually strong isn’t so we can just be full of knowledge and that’s it! It’s SO we can do His will and serve Him!

Only you can be YOU! God designs no duplicates! You were created with unique abilities, a unique personality , and you have your own life experiences. Even the painful experiences can be used if you are willing to share them! You have a purpose that is as unique as you are! What would happen if we woke up everyday with the excitement of using all our “uniqueness” to make a difference in the world THAT DAY! Guess what, we can and we should! Living in His freedom and grace opens doors and possibilities that chart new courses in our lives! Living a life WILLING AND READY to set out on the adventures He has for me is how I want to live! And this brings me back to the beginning… we have to be fit and healthy for the mission! The first step is to just being willing! Here am I Lord, send me! I want to be FIT FOR LIFE!!

Action Step 39👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Keep striving toward your goals to be healthy in your body, mind and spirit! We should NEVER get to a place where we stop learning , growing and stepping out in faith to be obedient to the Lord! He’s got so much out there for you! Being a Christian is an adventure!!
Keep on keeping on 👇🏼👇🏼

*Eat natural God-made foods
*Plan your weekly exercise routines and stick to them
*Get an accountability partner
*Plan your weekly menus of healthy meals and snacks
*Drink lots of water
*Keep your kitchen a “junk-free” zone! If it’s not there you won’t eat it!
*Shop healthy at the grocery
* Find new, fun ways to keep moving and stay active
*Keep praying and relying on God for strength in your weakness
*Stay in God’s word daily
*Give yourself grace
*Know that it’s all for a purpose!
*Remember your WHY!
*Celebrate every win.. big or small
* Know that you are loved and valued beyond measure! ❤️