40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 40 – Fit For Life

Good morning friends! This is the last day of our 40 days of Faith and fitness! I hope you’ve been encouraged and inspired in your journey to be healthy in your mind, body and spirit! It truly is a journey and I pray you keep striving to be all that you were created to be, relying on God all the way! I hope you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, and be bold and brave enough to follow Him into the great adventure He has for you in this life! I hope you “step out of your boat” and walk in faith, grow in the Lord, and expect great things along the way! There are no accidents with God and I know you are reading this for a purpose! I pray that you realize just how crazy God is about you! He loves you! Trust Him! I’m going to conclude these 40 days with a prayer. I hope you’ll pray this with me!

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for creating me and loving me! Thank you for loving me so much you gave your son Jesus to die for my sins! Thank you for your amazing grace and your mercy! Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you that as a believer, He lives in me. Lord, I want to give you control of my life! I’ve tried things on my own and I know I can’t do this life without you! I need your wisdom, guidance and power in my life every single day! I want to keep my eyes fixed on you! I know you have a purpose for my life and I want to be ready for the mission! Open my spiritual eyes to see the opportunities around me to serve others and serve You! Please refresh and renew my heart towards you! The circumstances around me are unsure and this world can be a scary place sometimes! Lord I need to make you the rock that I stand on because I know that all other ground is sinking sand! I commit to you this journey I’m on to be healthy in my mind, body and spirit. I pray for your strength and your power to practice self-discipline and self-control! Help me to be ready, willing and able to do all that you’ve called me to do! Thank you that you don’t necessarily call the equipped, but you equip the called! Take my gifts, talents, and abilities that you have given me and use them for your glory! Use me as your hands and feet, and make me salt and light to the world around me! I just want to honor you in all I do! Let me see myself through the Word and not this world!
In Jesus Name,

Hebrews 12:1. “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us RUN WITH ENDURANCE the race that is set before us..”