Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim


Excavating the Depths of God and His Glorious Riches

August 1st, 2022


Matthew 6:21, ‘”For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”’ (NIV)

I read about a people, a culture, who lived for a century(ish) with untold, undiscovered amounts of wealth beneath their feet. It is incomprehensible that several generations lived lives of such destitution and impoverishment while hidden beneath where they lived and worked, played and struggled, obtainable but unforeseen wealth lay buried. The Mount Morgan gold mine, (Queensland, Australia), yielded vast amounts of wealth eventually to the inhabitants and its miners. In fact, for many years, the people attempted to cultivate the soil and they dreamt of an easier life for their families, but their infertile land and the poor grounds they worked every day, yielded little, creating a life of impoverishment and discouragement. They wrestled to get by, to exist, never once knowing what wealth and richness lay under their feet. Upon its discovery, a century of gold, silver and copper was mined, yielding one of the most lucrative precious metals mines in the world!

Isn’t that just like us and our ‘one life’?! Buried inside each one of us is a mine of spiritual wealth and vast glorious riches. You are a walking minefield, just waiting to be excavated! Deep within you and me, there are countless resources, including every good and perfect gift given from our good Heavenly Father to His children for the purpose of worth and godliness. In fact, God has buried spiritual treasure inside us, good things He has given us in order that we might live a life of destiny and promise.

‘Whoa!’ you say. ‘Wow! I did not know that! I kind of like the idea that there is hidden treasure and untold riches inside me! What is there and how do I unearth it?’ That’s a great place to start! Just like anything else in life, in order to do something about something, you must first acknowledge it.

God has given us everything in the Christian life to be ‘wealthy’, ‘successful’, ‘prosperous’, ‘affluent’, ‘rich’. It may not be the treasure and wealth you are imagining; however, I can guarantee you—and even greater than my word is God’s promise to each of us regarding the spiritual mine your body houses—the cache God stashed inside you and me far outshines and outlasts anything this world has to offer. No thing can compare. Riches such as faith and joy and grace, inheritance and obedience exist buried within the life of a Christian.

So how do we extract these riches? Much like going on a dig, this month we are going to dig deep and begin exploring and excavating the glorious riches of a good, good God. So, grab your tools: your Bible, maybe a shovel and a scope, put on your boots, and let’s get ready to dig!

Corinthians 2:10b: ‘The Spirit, not content to flit around on the surface, dives into the depths of God, and brings out what God had planned all along.’ (MSG)