

But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants. John 3:21 (NLT)

I don’t like knowing people are watching me – it gives me the heebie-jeebies. But I hear it all the time, mostly because I am in a season of suffering. I am sure you have heard others say things similar things to you when you are in a season of difficulties, illness, grief, transition, or whatever the situation may be.

The fact is, we watch one another. Sometimes it’s out of comparison (if I am being honest, “I could never do that or go through that!”), or out of sympathy. People-watching is a sport and it’s not just reserved for the airport.

In God’s kingdom, He does things differently – He brings people forward so others – the world and those in the church – can see godly people pursuing righteousness. Aren’t you attracted to these people? I am. I want to rub shoulders with them, chat with them, hear how God is moving in their lives, and listen in on their prayer times.

Yes, curiosity is a thing.

I believe it also encourages us when we think we just can’t get it right – we stumble, fall, get lost, or distracted. or are tempted to give up. God puts the godly on display, so to speak so that we can see: they are normal; are passionate about Christ in their own unique way; whether in sickness or in health serving God is good; God uses all kinds of time, talent and treasure to have His name exalted on the earth.

My daughter and I read this verse (John 3:21) recently in our devotional reading and we both were struck by it – and we had read multiple verses in John 3, but this one stood out. Isn’t God’s Word alive? It comforts, awakens, challenges, and points us to God.

If you wonder what God is doing in your life, reread John 3:21 and meditate on it. God does not waste anything – all things are for His glory to display His goodness and they are for our good as well (Romans 8:28). Plus, it gives opportunities for others to taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8) in people’s lives.

It helps to see God work with blessing or trial – yes, trials. Trials are not a disciplinary tool all the time. Trials can be a way to draw us close to God to learn from Him. Trials smooth off the rough edges, refine us and cause us to look more like His Son Jesus.

Whether we like it or not, we live our lives out loud for many to see. God does not intend for us to live like hermits, but rather to rub shoulders in our communities, neighborhoods, and within our families. This gives folks the true picture of you living for Jesus with all that it means.

Embrace it. Allow God to flow through you. Give Him honor even in the hard, challenging times of life. Invite others into your pain and your prayer life. Seek the filling of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) so you walk in the Spirit every step of the way.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

Oh Father, thank You for choosing me to glorify You. You are the object of my praise and my worship. You alone are worthy. I humbly submit myself to You to be used as You see fit – whether in affliction, trials, or a season free from hardships. My life is Yours, may it be consecrated unto You fully and completely. In the name of Jesus, AMEN.