Christian LivingNita Wilkinson

Don’t Run Naked

I went for a naked run the other day. To keep the images in your head safe, let me explain; a naked run is when you run free of any devices, just you and the pounding of your feet.

My ultimate running temperature is 48 to 52 degrees; this is a narrow window where I live. Last year, it only happened 16 times during running hours. That day it was 50 degrees with bright blue skies and barely a breeze. I just wanted to enjoy the view and the steady rhythm of my feet pounding the pavement. 

Of course, this is the day I have a fantastic idea for a blog while running. It was unique and timely and would make a difference for so many. Typically I would put this idea into my phone or watch so I wouldn’t forget it, but today I was running naked. I wasn’t worried, though; I would not forget this fantastic idea. 

It was a perfect three miles with the added benefit of this fabulous idea. Which I promptly forgot when I got home. Yep, to this day, I haven’t pulled that idea out of the deep recesses of my mind. 

My friends, an argument could be made that this is why you shouldn’t run naked!

We could make that same argument for living our day-to-day life without Jesus. It’s so easy to get into our groove, living our lives as we only worry about what we have to do next. We are checking things off of our lists, moving ahead with our plans, forgetting the importance of seeking Jesus first. 

I am pretty impulsive. I always joke with my boss that I’m not dipping my toes into the pond. Nope! I am cannon-balling in as far as I can and working it out as I go. While that usually works for me, there have been some moments. 

A few years ago I started a new job. I hadn’t planned on a new job and turned it down. But they wanted me, and my ego took me there faster than I could think, let alone pray. 

The first day it became clear that this organization had a crazy gene that I had never seen before. Don’t get me wrong, they were great people, but there was a division that isn’t typical in successful organizations. 

At one point, I texted a friend at a sister facility and expressed my complete and utter frustration with the politics. I will never forget her words, “This organization has been running like this for nearly 200 years; I don’t think it will ever change.” 

What?!? I left a good job to come to the land of the crazy, and no one thought it could change! Ugh!

Then I did what I should have done to begin with, I got on my knees and prayed. I want to say there was a sudden turnaround, and the world was right. But, it took six years. The first two were pretty much the same as those first few weeks, but slowly, and with lots of Jesus time, I saw a difference. 

God honored me with the blessing of leading some of that change. It was so exciting to start to see the walls come down toward the end of year three. I saw bright new beginnings by year five, culminating in year seven. 

I often wonder what would have happened if I had prayed before I started? I genuinely believe that was where I was supposed to be. But I didn’t ask; I just went and felt like I was all alone until I prayed. 

“When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. 3 He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. 4 Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. 5 If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” 6 So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.” Luke 9:1-6

Jesus sometimes sent his disciples out on their own to do the work of God. They were to take nothing and rely on the hospitality of others. They were prepared through prayer, trust, and obedience to do as he said. You could say they were going clothed and “naked” as they had no provisions but the clothes on their back. 

Their obedience brought with it a purpose that glorified God in every way. Later, after Jesus ascended to heaven, His followers were given the gift of the Holy Spirit. So while they no longer had their teacher and friend, they did have Holy Spirit.

Thankfully we don’t have to do God’s work “naked”. Instead, we have been blessed to have Holy Spirit as our companion wherever God takes us. I am so thankful for this gift!