Daily DiscernEmerge!Michelle Gott KimUncategorized

EMERGE! ‘Bloom Where Are You Planted’

A Season to Plant: the Good Seed v. the Bad Seed

March 9th, 2022

Luke 8:15, ‘The seed that fell into good, fertile soil represents those lovers of truth who hear it deep within their hearts. They respond by clinging to the Word, keeping it clear as they endure all things in faith. This is the seed that will one day bear much fruit in their lives.’ (TPT)

Like anything in life there are pure seeds as well as seeds of poor quality. For instance, one should always be cautious when purchasing wildflower seeds because many mixes you might buy are often impure and instead replete with many fillers. You can spend a great deal of money on a bag of wildflower seeds you toss out in your field or your garden only to find very few flowers actually flourish; much of that because you bought a mix that was only partially pure, instead including a higher percentage of fillers in order to stretch the purity of the seeds the package did hold. This is prevalent enough to bear a consumer meter attached to the product, the Don’t Waste Your Money (DWYM) factor!

Insomuch as we don’t want to be sold a gimmick complete with fillers, we also must be careful about the purity of the ‘seed’ in our own lives. What are we sowing? What do our lives advertise when it is the season to plant? For many years, I struggled with the poor quality of seed I was planting in my life, and consequently, in other people’s lives like my children and the relationships I held dear. When it came time to harvest there was nothing but failed crops and weeds, dust and dirt, and barrenness. The weeds my life bore choked out any goodness the Lord desired for me, and in essence, starved me of the life He designed for me.

It is only now when I see the growth the Lord is nurturing in and through me, the fruit He is causing my life to bear, the yield He is bringing forth, that I understand so much greater about the discipline of and the necessity in the purity of seed in my heart. We can boast a beautiful being yet harvest a barren soul, but if you have a full storehouse, God will create in you a great supply and outgrowth. Our vat can be overflowing with seed that when planted, produce purpose, possibility and promise, His portion for His children. What we plant and propagate today is going to determine always what we plow and later produce.

One of the greatest things you and I can ever do is BLOOM where we are PLANTED. Beautiful things grow from the fertile soil of a willing heart.