Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim

EMERGE! ‘Bloom Where You Are Planted’

A Season to Plant

March 2nd, 2022

Luke 8:15, ‘The seed that fell into good, fertile soil represents those lovers of truth who hear it deep within their hearts. They respond by clinging to the Word, keeping it clear as they endure all things in faith. This is the seed that will one day bear much fruit in their lives.’ (TPT)

Since Day Three of the beginning of time, a Holy God has been planting. Genesis 1:11-13 says, ‘God spoke: “Earth, green up! Grow all varieties of seed-bearing plants, every sort of fruit-bearing tree.” And there it was. Earth produced green seed-bearing plants, all varieties, and fruit-bearing trees of all sorts. God saw that it was good. It was evening, it was morning—Day Three.’ (MSG) He planted a garden where humanity would emerge from, where mankind could inhabit the earth God gave him to cultivate, where life was birthed. He has been burying seeds in the dark and in the dirt, breathing on them so they could germinate and emerge into something of beauty, of sustenance, of life-giving fullness; so they could bear fruit, bear life, bear growth, and be purposeful.

Then God planted trees in this garden, and of one tree in particular, sin sprouted. Not from the tree itself, but sin came about from a choice that was made concerning a seed from the root of that tree. Since the gestation of forever, God has been planting, and sometimes good grows and flourishes, and sometimes, bad withers and dies. But the principle is always the same. Where seeds of any kind exist, there is always the possibility of such seeds being planted, and from the soil, something will appear. Sometimes can be literal and sometimes it can be figurative, but regardless the process is the same. During this month, we will dig deep to see what happens when we plant seeds, good and bad, in fertile soil, and what comes forth with and without effort and care.

One of the greatest things you and I can ever do is ‘BLOOM where we are PLANTED’. Beautiful things grow from the fertile soil of a willing heart.