Daily DiscernFather May IMichelle Gott Kim

Father, May I? – Hide or Seek – May 10th

Father, May I Seek?
May 10, 2021

Hide or Seek

Psalm 27:7-9, ‘Hear my cry. Show me mercy and send the help I need! I heard Your voice in my heart say, “Come, seek My face;” my inner being responded, “Yahweh, I’m seeking Your face with all my heart.” So don’t turn Your face away from me; You’re the God of my salvation; how can You reject Your servant in anger? You’ve been my only hope, so don’t forsake me now when I need You!” (TPT)

I have been a good sleuth. I have investigated life well. I have sought everywhere for answers, purpose, direction, instruction, provision, perfection. I was a diehard detective; I followed every lead. I’d get a clue and I’d tail it with resolution and determination. There had to be more to this life than…THIS! I’d snoop around every corner; dig down another hole. I got lost in bottles, washed up on distant shores, hid in places I wouldn’t wish even on an enemy. I was chasing an illusion that was elusive, evasive; grasping at gossamer strands.

He is so very patient. His desire is for His children to seek His face. We search for answers in all the wrong places, and our rescue remains out of reach, because we are seeking something that doesn’t exist. The Father never intended for us to find purpose and meaning in this world. He left an empty hollow inside the center of each being that is shaped like Him, where He alone fits. But what we do is try to fill it with all things worldly and that increases the God-shaped hole to crater-magnitude, and the bigger that void grows, the more stuff we try to shove in it. We don’t like holes, people don’t. So we spend our lives trying to fill any hole we encounter with something that takes up space, and all that causes is a deeper and larger hole to form and then we can never be whole.

He is a Master Excavator, and when I finally got real about stuffing my false reality full of artificial fillers and substances, then He could really get to work inside of me. He unearthed it all, uncovered my pretenses, scooped out my failures and pride, dug out my frailties, mined my value like hidden jewels, quarries of significance and worth. And I realized it wasn’t so much my seeking Him but, rather, He sought me. He sought me until He found me and then He claimed me as His own.

I don’t have much reason to search anymore, and I am grateful that the lost is found. When you seek Him with your whole heart, He will be found by you, and He will fill you from the inside out, to overflowing.

I want to know the Father’s opinion about everything!
Won’t you JOURNEY with me this month as we ask our Father, ‘MAY I?’’