Christian LivingMelissa Henderson

Freedom Found

Mistakes made. Lessons learned. Mistakes made again. More lessons learned. Have you experienced a time when things didn’t go the way you expected? Perhaps you knew you were making the wrong decisions, yet continued to follow that path anyway.

I remember, as a young girl, running barefoot in the summer grass and watching for bumblebees in the clover. My parents told me to wear my shoes, but I didn’t listen. Painful times came when I stepped on a bee and screamed in pain.

As a teenager, I remember following along with the “in” crowd, even though I didn’t want to participate in their activities. A sense of being part of the group was what I longed for and tried to find. No satisfaction was found with that crowd of people. More loneliness and sadness.

When my husband and I married, thoughts of being a grownup and making decisions on our own was empowering. The world was ours. We soon learned that young married couples need help, too. We looked to family and friends for guidance.

The seasons of life changed and the time came when my husband and I both had elderly parents. More choices had to be made. Medical diagnoses brought the need for special care for our loved ones. Finances had to be discussed. Once again, we would not travel that journey alone. We are thankful for families who gathered together to make decisions and support each other.

Now, I am “Mimi” to our grandchildren and children in the neighborhood. I marvel as they test the boundaries while seeking freedom from obstacles. Conversations sometimes turn to tears when a toy isn’t shared. Amazing how quickly tears turn to joy when another item is shared. The children are learning the meaning of following directions. Freedom to play nice or the consequence of a “time out”.

Thinking back on each situation and other times, I realize we were never alone. God was always there. Great comfort is found in knowing we don’t accomplish things on our own.
We are often misguided and stopped because we have not taken our worries to the Lord.
When I go to the Father and share my burdens, I find freedom. Freedom in Him. Freedom in knowing I am not alone. God loves His children and He is always with us.

Can you think of a time of feeling bound by struggles in life? Did you go to the Father in prayer?
As we celebrate freedom in the month of July, think of the freedom you have in Christ.

Have a blessed day and be a blessing to others,
Melissa Henderson

8 thoughts on “Freedom Found

  • “As we celebrate freedom in the month of July, think of the freedom you have in Christ.” Freedom in America, always reminds me of my spiritual freedom. It’s the most important freedom in the world!

  • Yvonne Morgan

    So glad our spiritual freedom is secure for ever. Thanks Melissa

  • Yes – freedom in Christ is the first and most important freedom!

  • Jessica Brodie

    Amen to this. There is great freedom in learning to lean on God and go to Him with our worries and fears.

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