Christel Owoo

From Proverbs to Practice: How to Apply the Proverbs 31 Woman Example in Your Life

The Proverbs 31 woman (Proverbs 31:1-31) is a familiar figure for many Christian women,
praised for her virtuous character and industrious spirit. However, the challenge of applying her
example to modern-day life can feel daunting. How can we balance the demands of family,
work, and community involvement while maintaining a strong faith and inner beauty?
In this blog, we will explore the different aspects of the Proverbs 31 woman’s example and
offer practical tips for how modern-day women can apply her principles in their own lives.
Whether you are a working mother, a single woman, or somewhere in between, we hope this
blog will inspire and encourage you to follow the example of the Proverbs 31 woman in all
areas of your life.

Understanding the Proverbs 31 Woman

To me, the Proverbs 31 woman is first a businesswoman, then a strong woman. The way we
understand ‘her’ relates to our experiences and, especially, our cultures. She is not just one
type of woman, she is diverse.
The Bible describes the Proverbs 31 woman as a virtuous and capable wife, praised for her
many skills and accomplishments. She is a hard worker who rises early to provide food for her
household, and she is also a savvy businesswoman who buys and sells goods to provide for her
family. Her compassion for the poor matches her entrepreneurial spirit, as she opens her arms
to those in need and helps the less fortunate.
The Proverbs 31 woman is also a devoted wife and mother, who manages her household with
wisdom and kindness. Her husband and children respect her and praise her for her many
virtues. Overall, the Proverbs 31 woman is a model of strength, resourcefulness, and
compassion, who inspires us to live our lives with purpose and intention. But how do we apply
that today in our own lives? Can we exhibit all the virtuous and actions in modern-day society?
What if we are single moms? What if we aren’t moms?
No matter our ‘status’, we can learn from the Proverbs 31 woman. We can apply her character
in our lives because God created both her and us, and He doesn’t distinguish between people.
And He is in the same business today as during the Proverbs times: the business of
strengthening people and making them capable.
I am not saying it is easy to imitate her actions and build a character like hers. But with God’s
help and consistency, we can do it. We can remind ourselves that we ourselves wouldn’t be
able to live like a Proverbs 31 woman. We would fail on the first day! But through His Spirit,
praying, reading the Bible, and fellowshiping with Him, we can do it.
What can we do today, that the Proverbs 31 woman did?

God First

By placing God first, we exhibit one of the fundamental character traits of the Proverbs woman.
God was her everything. We can do the same each day of our lives: Prioritizing God. This may
not always come easy, as we may encounter frustrating or disappointing situations where our
human instinct would react oppositely.
To prioritize God in everything, we first need to make the resolution to do that. And then ask
God to help us. Again, we can’t do it by ourselves. By making God our number one, by itself, we
will start growing in the character of the Proverbs woman. Our actions will be godly and we will
build up respect.
Placing God first means giving up our own lives, our own wishes, our own desires, and our own
will. Complete surrender to God, in everything we do.
To stay on track, it helps to pray, read & study the Bible, meditate, worship, and have
fellowship with other believers. These things build our character.

Family Matters

As mothers, we have biblical responsibilities toward our spouses and children. If we are not
married, we still have responsibilities—toward our ‘blood’ family and our family in Christ. It is
important to nurture these relationships; it was a vital part of the Proverbs woman’s behavior.
But how do we do that? Modern days are fast, busy, exhausting, and full of distractions.
As the Proverbs 31 woman shows us, family is a central priority in a woman’s life. However,
with the demands of work, household chores, and other responsibilities, it’s difficult to
prioritize quality time with our loved ones. To ensure that our families feel loved and valued,
it’s important to make intentional efforts to spend time together and communicate effectively.

Here are some practical tips for prioritizing family time and communication:

 Schedule regular family activities: Whether it’s a weekly game night, a monthly outing,
or a yearly vacation, set aside time in your calendar for family activities. Make sure
everyone is involved in the planning process and choose activities everyone will enjoy.

 Limit screen time: In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get lost in our screens and
disconnect from our families. Set boundaries around screen time for yourself and your
family members, and prioritize face-to-face communication instead.

 Make mealtime a priority: Sharing meals together is a great way to connect with your
family and foster communication. Try to eat together as often as possible, and use
mealtime as an opportunity to catch up on each other’s lives.

 Be present: When you’re spending time with your family, give them your full attention.
Put away your phone and other distractions and focus on being present in the moment.

 Communicate regularly: Regular communication is key to maintaining strong
relationships with your family members. Check in with each other regularly and share
your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly.

By implementing these practical tips, you can prioritize family time and communication in your
life and build stronger, more loving relationships with your loved ones.

Business and Household Affairs

Balancing work and home responsibilities can be a challenge for many women, especially when
you are a mother. It is, however, important to make it work in order to maintain a healthy
work-life balance.

The Proverbs 31 woman is an example of someone who successfully balanced her work and
home responsibilities, and there are practical steps you can take to do the same. These include
setting boundaries between work and home, prioritizing your tasks and responsibilities, and
seeking support from your spouse, family, or friends. With some planning and effort, it’s
possible to achieve balance and fulfillment in both your work and home life.

The Proverbs 31 woman is also known for her efficiency and productivity. As modern women,
we can learn from her example when it comes to managing our time and staying organized.
Whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, juggling multiple responsibilities can
be a challenge, but with some practical tips, you can make the most of your time and increase
your productivity.

Here are some tips for time management and organization:

 Create a schedule: Map out your days and weeks by creating a schedule or to-do list.
This will help you stay on track and ensure that you’re making progress towards your

 Prioritize tasks: Make a list of your tasks and prioritize them based on their importance
and urgency. Focus on the most important tasks first and work your way down the list.

 Use a planner: Invest in a planner or calendar to keep track of your appointments,
deadlines, and important events. This will help you stay organized and avoid double-
booking or forgetting important tasks.

 Delegate tasks: Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to others, whether it’s your spouse,
children, or a professional. This will free up your time and allow you to focus on the
tasks that only you can do.

 Set boundaries: Learn to say no to tasks or commitments that don’t align with your
priorities or values. Setting boundaries will help you maintain balance in your life and
avoid burnout.

By implementing these practical tips, you can manage your time more effectively and increase
your productivity. Remember, the Proverbs 31 woman is an inspiration because of her focus,
discipline, and hard work, and by following her example, you can achieve your own goals and
make the most of your time.

Giving Back

God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). Whether it comes to our money, time, talents,
or efforts, we can use it to be a blessing to others. That is giving back what God first gave us.
God is a giving God, a generous God. He made us in His image, we can ‘copy’ how He is.
The Proverbs 31 woman was generous in everything. We can build that up in our own lives, one
day at a time. Each day, we can commit to using our time, energy, efforts, talents, and money
to be a blessing to others. If we all do this, even just once a day, the lives of people around us
would start transforming.

Inner Beauty

The Proverbs 31 woman is known for her inner beauty, which is reflected in her kindness and
wisdom. As Christian women, we should strive to cultivate this same inner beauty in our own
lives. Kindness and wisdom are not just admirable traits. They are also essential for building
healthy relationships and navigating life’s challenges.

To cultivate inner beauty through kindness and wisdom, we can practice acts of kindness
towards others, seek wisdom from God through prayer and reading the Bible, and develop a
compassionate and non-judgmental attitude towards others. By prioritizing these qualities, we
can become the women that God calls us to be and make a positive impact on those around us.
While thinking of others, it is also important to take care of ourselves. If we are not in our best
mood and physical and mental condition, how can we reach out to others? We need rest; we
need to take care of ourselves. God also rested on the seventh day, after creating the universe
and everything in it. Rest is important! During rest, God equips us physically, mentally, and
spiritually for the days ahead. Resting is not a waste of time.

Taking care of ourselves is not selfish. We are God’s daughters and His Spirit lives in us. Taking
care of our bodies is taking care of God, as the Holy Spirit lives inside us. It is also a form of
respecting what God has created.


As modern women, mothers or not, we can still learn from the Proverbs 31 woman. She is not
one-of-a-kind—we all are Proverbs 31 women. We just need to practice (LOL).

With God’s help and consistency, we can exhibit the character and the actions of the Proverbs
31 woman. Each of us can. It may not come easy at once, but by following through, we will
make it.

By praying and worshipping God, we can transform into modern-day Proverbs 31 women. And
by taking steps to prioritize our family, manage our time, cultivate inner beauty, and balance
work and home responsibilities, we can shine as examples for others.

Let the Proverbs 31 woman inspire you and strive to be the best version of yourself, making a
positive impact on the world and giving glory to God.

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