Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim

Fun in the Son…Freedom with Christ

So, if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36, NIV)

July 4th, 2022


Today, all over America, people will be partying, playing, backyard barbequing, tailgating, hiking and camping, sleeping in, igniting fireworks of all kinds, meaning firecrackers and love bombs, seeing stars and hearts. Independence Day, or Fourth of July, is truly a time of celebration and happiness. It is the day on which America declared its independence from Great Britain’s rule and servitude. On July 4th, 1776, our country grew up, graduated and gained its freedom from being under a parent country’s governing dominance. And for the most part we have been independent and free ever since.

There’s another kind of freedom also which comes with knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. That is when you are completely and fully free. It is the best kind of freedom. It is total freedom, freedom from bondage to many things, such as addictions or being enslaved by other people’s expectations or even perceptions of you. Perhaps even freedom from being held captive to someone who isn’t healthy for you or chained to someone else’s life, past, present or future, and not one of your own making. It could simply mean being freed from fear and anxiety, dread and depression, self-loathing or self-harm. Jesus can set anyone free from anything they face, no matter what, when, who or how bad.

But that comes from knowing Him personally, sharing a personal relationship with Him, much like a friendship with someone who cares for you. It happens when you also declare, ‘Jesus, I’ve tried everything I know with this one life You gave me, and I just keep messing it up on my own. I need you to come into my life and help me because I can’t do it alone. Please forgive me for the mistakes I’ve made, and from now on, I surrender to You so You can take over. I am no longer enslaved to myself and my own desires and plans; I am now free to live how You want me to live. This is my Independence Day.’ When you make that decision, it is just like when we exiled from another country to become free from its rule, you now have made the decision to exile from sin’s entanglement with your life, and now walking with Jesus, you can be fully free.

Psalm 18:19, ‘He stood me up in a wide open field. I stood there saved, surprised to be loved.’ (MSG)

Out of all the living things God made, He created mankind to BE. Whatever, whoever, you are, Beautiful You, BE the best version of you; BE the change this world needs; BE filled; BE free!