Christian LivingCyndi WoodsHolidays

Get Ready, Get Set, Go

Gearing Up for the Holidays

 Does the thought of the approaching holiday season give you anxiety? Does the stress of cooking the perfect Thanksgiving turkey make you shake in your giblets? Does it make you want to settle down for a long winters nap with the covers pulled over your head? Well, I hope the information and ideas in this article put you in the mood to deck the halls and hang your stockings by the chimney with care. I’ll help you with some gift ideas and some ways to stay on budget with those gifts. The holidays are for family and friends and we shouldn’t dread this time of year due to the pressures that our society places on us to spend more and get more. May we always try and keep the real spirit of the season in our hearts and minds while still giving a heart felt gift that says “I’m thinking of you”. So, let’s get into it eh? 

       Being prepared is one way to keep the stress level down during the holiday rush. Find or make a holiday planning journal in which you can make lists of dishes you want to prepare along with the recipe (if needed) right next to the dish. Also begin making lists of gifts you have in mind to give as well as ones you have already purchased or made. Put the person’s name next to the gift you are planning to give them. This way you don’t double up on gifts, thus spending more than you planned. Put all receipts in an envelope marked “Christmas 2021” or whatever title fits the reason for gift giving. Keep this envelope in your holiday journal. Be sure to make a list of places you plan to shop the night before your outing and stick to only those places. This way you avoid impulse buying. If you can’t find what you are looking for on that trip, plan to go to another store on a different day. This may seem like a wasted trip but it really does save in the long run. 

       If you plan to shop on line, try opening a separate account to put funds into for shopping. By only using that account for ordering, you will avoid over spending. You can’t spend what isn’t there. If you are going out shopping and you plan to take cash, set your limit in advance for each person and put that amount of money into an envelope with their name on it. When the money is gone… you’re done. Consider name drawing if you need to keep a tighter budget. Perhaps joint gifts for couples is an option. Maybe even a family gift.    

 Is it time to possibly switch out gift giving to a big family dinner to just get together? These are things to think about to avoid dreading the holidays. 

       Now let’s look at that menu huh? Don’t feel like you have to do all the cooking. Focus on the dishes that you would have to make at your home if you are hosting. Dishes such as the turkey, ham, or vegetarian loaf that is the star of the show. This might be to complicated for someone else to bring. Side dishes such as the vegetables, cranberry sauce, rolls, hors d’oeuvre, desserts, appetizers, and alike can most assuredly be brought by those attending the dinner party. Being the host/hostess doesn’t mean you should do all the work. Make as many dishes ahead as you can and freeze or refrigerate. Potatoes can be pealed and cut the day before and covered with water to chill in the fridge. A veggie tray can be cut and prepared a day or two ahead. If you make homemade stuffing, prep it the night before and store appropriately. 

       Do any house cleaning several days ahead and simply touch up as needed. Consider using paper plates the week of the holiday so as not to overwhelm yourself with dishes all week long. In the early part of the season, set aside time each day to do whatever decorating you would like in that ear-marked time to avoid burn out. Schedule a bake day on your calendar and enjoy some good old fashion sugar cookies. There is something about baking that just gets ya in the holiday spirit! This will also serve a purpose later… wink! 

       Now let’s get into some gift ideas, shall we? I am a theme nerd when it comes to gifts. I also love to do gift baskets or boxes or whatever container I can find. Let’s say you have a movie lover on your list; get a movie they love either on DVD, blue ray, or purchase it on the streaming device they favor. Then find a container to use. Some ideas for this might be a basket, bucket, a box wrapped in wrapping paper, large tin, or wash basin. Items to put in would include movie type candies, popcorn, pop or drink they like, root beer mug, cozy socks, and some straws. All of these items (except the movie) can be purchased at the dollar store. Maybe you have an avid book reader? Grab the newest book by their favorite author or just one you think they’d like and tuck it in with some of the following; flavored teas, a cute mug, a lovely scented or unscented candle, fuzzy socks, sparkling juice and a fancy wine glass, an electric mug warmer and some yummy chocolates. Everything but the electric mug warmer can be picked up at a dollar store. 

       Perhaps you have a baker on your list? Get a large mixing bowl and fill it with some rubber spatulas, a Wisk, some adorable oven Mitts, a cutting board, a kitchen towel, and a jar of some homemade cookie mix with the dry ingredients in it and a tag with the recipe. Again… dollar store. Is their someone who loves breakfast? Use one of the above container suggestions and put in the following; pancake mix (store bought or homemade), syrup, canned pie filling of choice, powdered sugar, sticks of butter, a spatula, oven Mitts or pot holders, juice, and maybe even a couple of plates. You know where to find it all! 

       For the kids, consider doing a throw-back gift such as toys that are hands on. Remote control cars, puzzles, Legos, kites… For the littler ones who love play-dough, find a recipe on line for homemade play-dough and tint it with food coloring. You could even divide it and make a few different colors like red, green and white. You could also put in a little peppermint or cinnamon extract for an added bit of fun. Put the play-dough in an air tight baggy and place in a cute container. Attach some winter/Christmas cookie cutters and you’ve got an afternoon of fun! 

       Maybe you have a passel of grandkids and buying for each one isn’t possible. Start a tradition of getting a winter/Christmas mug for each one every year. Attach a cute wine charm to the handle of each one and fill it with one or two hot cocoa packets, Hershey’s kisses, candy canes, M&M’s, and chocolate chips. You could use plain hot cocoa or flavored or a combination of both. Invite the gang over to watch a Christmas movie and pass out the mugs. This could be that family tradition they look forward to each year! Maybe try a sledding party! Each grandchild could get a new pair of gloves/mittens, fuzzy thick socks and if possible, a new sled. Then take them to a great place to go sledding. Don’t forget to head back for that hot cocoa. Remember the bake day you scheduled on your calendar? Add some of those treats to any of these baskets for that extra touch.  

       The holidays should be about making memories to last a lifetime, sharing cozy moments together, and just enjoying the season without stressing out! I hope this gave you some ways to take down that stress level even a little bit. Jesus didn’t intend for us to celebrate His birth by going into debt, compete for the latest and greatest gift, or argue with one another about any and everything. Enjoy the season and find joy in the planning. Consider hand making some gifts this year and sharing your talent with those you love. So, trim the tree, hang the lights and bake some cookies. Make this the year you choose not to stress!