Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim


In the Classroom with God

September 6th, 2023

See, I’ve been in the classroom lately. With God. And while the lessons have been extremely difficult, excruciatingly painful, exhaustingly real, they also are the purpose of a patient Teacher’s Lesson Plan—extravagantly designed for my good and ultimately His use. And He is (home)schooling me so I may know that He has my best interests strategically in sync with the beat of His heart.

TODAY’S LESSON: If God Made Everything, Who Made God?

Isaiah 40:12-15, ‘Who has scooped up the ocean in his two hands, or measured the sky between his thumb and little finger, Who has put all the earth’s dirt in one of his baskets, weighed each mountain and hill? Who could ever have told God what to do or taught him his business? What expert would he have gone to for advice, what school would he attend to learn justice? What god do you suppose might have taught him what he knows, showed him how things work? Why, the nations are but a drop in a bucket, a mere smudge on a window. Watch him sweep up the islands like so much dust off the floor!’ (MSG)

Have you ever wondered, where did God learn everything He knows? I mean, if you want to become a doctor, you go to med school, right? To excel in business, you get a business degree. A lawyer goes to law school; a builder takes courses in construction and an architect may excel in drafting and design classes. Was there a creation course, or maybe, did God attend an elite art school? Did He study at Juilliard and have His angels audition for their positions in the worship choir? I assume Jesus is a licensed psychologist, the Wonderful Counselor. Did He receive a bachelor’s in business? God must be a Professor of Language and Journalism since the Bible He wrote will always be the greatest Book ever written. I bet, in all the fields like medicine and the justice system and surely in seminary, He got His Masters (since He is the Master, that is). What I’m trying to find out, did God go to God School, Christ College, Trinity University? Did the Holy Spirit attend an institute or an Ivy League school? Have you ever wondered how God learned to perfect everything that concerns you and me? (Psalm 138:8) Hmmm…He must be God. We truly can taunt to the bullies in this life, ‘My Father is smarter than yours!’

There are so many gifts we are given when we come to Christ. I mean, hello! Beginning with salvation—an absolutely free gift we do nothing for, nor do we have to do anything to earn—we receive complete forgiveness of sins and a brand-new life. Not to mention the promise of eternity. We are given the power of the Holy Spirit Who comes inside of us, becoming like an internal navigation guide, avid communicator, sensitivity meter and spiritual advisor wrapped up in one package. He also comes bearing gifts! He brings gifts like peace and long-suffering and gives us the ability to be kind and gentle and faithful. We receive God’s grace, and He showers us with blessing and favor, and He gives us a way out. We are given the fragrance of Jesus, and when we come to Him, we get to bear His image. We receive these ‘presents’ from Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe, and we also get His presence. He wants to be with you and me; He pursues us and desires relationship and wants nothing more than to hang out with His children, you and me.

But one of the other gifts we are given, and not one favorably talked about in the circle of scholars and know-it-alls and learned individuals, is wisdom. The God Who knows all things—Who created everything, Who dreamt all of it, everything, into existence, Who has the answer for every need, Who’s ways and thoughts are higher than any of our ways and thoughts—He is waiting, like an expectant host, to deliver to you and me, understanding and discernment so we can make it through this life wisely, choosing right paths, equally yoked relationships, sound financial planning and gracious generosity out of the abundance of what we have been given.

And the best part is, He wants to give all of it to us. He desires for His children to have every good thing; every good gift He wants to come flowing down from above. A discerning spirit is a valuable commodity, and there is untapped provision, an unmined wealth of wisdom buried inside of each believer just waiting to be discovered. If there is anything you are wrestling with understanding that seems elusive to you, tiptoe away to a quiet place for just a little while and ask Him to reveal it to you. Chances are, He will come close and whisper into your being all you need to know.


Is there an answer or resolution you are seeking, and, if so, what is it? _________________________

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Have you talked it over with God? _______ . If not, write your request here, and seek His face for wisdom and clarity. ______________________________________________________________________

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‘I hear the Lord saying, “I will stay close to you, instructing you and guiding you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with My eyes as your guide. So, don’t make it difficult; don’t be stubborn when I take you where you’ve not been before. Don’t make Me tug you and pull you along. Just come with Me!”’ (Psalm 32:8-9, TPT)