Daily DiscernHomeschoolMichelle Gott Kim

homeschooled by GOD – Lesson 101: the Pursuit

Lessons Learned in the Classroom of Life

January 3rd, 2022

Psalm 40:1-3, ‘I waited and waited, and waited some more, for God. At last, He looked; finally, He listened. He lifted me out of the ditch (the slimy pit), pulled me from deep mud. He stood me on a solid rock to make sure I wouldn’t slip. He taught me how to sing the latest God-song, a praise-song to our God. More and more people are seeing this: they enter the mystery, abandoning themselves to God.’ (MSG/NIV)

LESSON ONE-oh-ONE: the Pursuit

Over half of my life is over; the first half spent dodging bullets and hiding from the One Who dreamt me into being, from the One Who sought and pursued me recklessly, endlessly, painstakingly. I imagine bringing something to life. I am a romantic, an artist, an enthusiast. I also love children for their incredible imaginations, their pretenses. Together, me and my grandson have created an entire Make-Believe existence. So, my artistic soul takes this to a deeper layer: I picture a creature we have imagined into place, and my little buddy and I breathe things like hope and living and curiosity into this creature’s structure. How incredulous and frustrated I would feel if this creation hid from me, ran from me, dodged me, disregarded me. Can you imagine?!

But that’s exactly what we do everyday, right?! I have a Creator, my Maker, the One Who dreamt me into being before the foundation of the world was laid. He set me in place where He purposed me to be, and He gave me a job to do, a Purpose He designed for me, and then I ran and hid when I didn’t like it or didn’t think I could be it, when others laughed at me and said it didn’t fit me. I sewed excuses and lies to hide my nakedness and imagined branches and twigs to cover my barrenness. I hid from Who created me to be…me, and when He pursued me, I ran.

But there is nothing either you or I will ever be able to do to outrun God. Instead, He outran me; He outfought my resistance. And as a teacher and professor, He is patient and kind, and has all the wisdom, even out of this world, with which to school us. I hope you’ll JOURNEY with me this month as we travel into the CLASSROOMS of LIFE, as God homeschools us about some really important life-lessons.