BusinessGuest Writer

How to Honor Jesus While Marketing Your Business

By Jenny Rose Spaudo

Jesus and marketing—can they mix?

Sleazy marketing efforts can lead us to believe that growing our businesses automatically means giving up our integrity. But this isn’t true!

God calls His people into all spheres of life, including the business world. Priscilla and Aquila ran a healthy tent-making business in Corinth (see Acts 18:3). And because of Lydia’s success in her fabrics business, she was able to host a church in her home (see Acts 16:14, 40).

Jesus told us to be “shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16, NASB). We can apply this verse to our marketing efforts.

Marketing doesn’t have to come from a heart of selfishness. And it doesn’t have to take advantage of people to succeed.

Effective marketing that pleases God’s heart is:

1. Focused on the needs of others.

2. Honest and above reproach.

3. Wise and structured.

Let’s dive deeper in each one of these points.

1. Christ-centered marketing focuses on the needs of others.

Jesus said that “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35, NASB). This is the heart of content marketing, which happens to be my area of expertise!

The idea behind content marketing is that you attract your ideal customers by offering free content that’s packed with value. You can then follow up with more free content as well as sales offers.

This allows your audience to know, like, and trust you—the three steps people must take before buying from you.

Think about it—what do you do when someone immediately tries to sell you their product or service? You push away! You don’t want to buy from someone you don’t know and whose motives seem tainted.

Approach your potential customers with “What can I give you?” instead of “What can I get from you?”

Content marketing allows you to build a relationship with your audience before you ask them to purchase your products or services.

2. Christ-centered marketing is honest and above reproach.

There are plenty of shady marketing tactics out there right now. Adding hidden expenses during checkout and purchasing fake likes and followers on social media are just two examples.

Not too long ago, I saw an ad on Instagram for a free month-long trial for an online course subscription. It looked like a good opportunity to learn more about social media marketing, and it was free—so I signed up.

I wish I had researched the company first.

I had to give them my credit card information before I could access the free course. After a quick Google search, though, I realized this company was notorious for making it difficult for people to unsubscribe. I saw hundreds of reviews from people who were charged after they thought they had unsubscribed.

I panicked and unsubscribed immediately. The multi-step process took almost 20 minutes! That same day, I called my credit card company to cancel my card and get a new one—just in case.

This, my friend, is an example of how not to treat your customers. If you want people to try out your offer before purchasing, I encourage you to do so with as little risk to them as possible.

Seek to be a blessing, and don’t make people feel trapped in your sales web!

3. Christ-centered marketing is wise, strategic, and structured.

Paul reminds us that “God is not a God of disorder, but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33a, NIV).

If you try to market your business without proper research or planning, you’ll only get disorder. And that’s not God’s heart for your business.

Proverbs offers plenty of verses about why it’s so important to plan.

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty” (Proverbs 21:5, NASB).

The first step to making a solid marketing plan is researching your:

  1. Niche
  2. Target audience
  3. Marketing methods

You can learn more here about the basic components of a healthy content marketing strategy.

Lean on the Expertise of Others

You may find you need to take some online courses about marketing or content strategy. Or you may need to hire a consultant who can walk you through the process step by step. Proper preparation is always worth the investment.

Proverbs, again, seems to agree with me: “Prepare plans by consultation, and make war by wise guidance” (Proverbs 20:18, NASB).

And again: “Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors, they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22, NASB).

You won’t be able to know everything before you start planning. But at least get enough knowledge and input so that you’re not flying blind.

Market Your Business by Faith, Not by Sight

In all your marketing efforts, I encourage you to pray. Jesus knows what your business needs more than you do—and He knows the exact steps you need to take.

Trust Him in this process, my friend. Be bold as you market your business and take the opportunities for growth He sends your way.

And remember, always turn the glory back to Him!


Jenny Rose Spaudo is a Jesus-driven content marketing coach at When she’s not spilling marketing secrets on her blog for Christian entrepreneurs, you can find her soaking up time with her husband, Diego, or mentoring other women in the Word of God. Learn practical strategies to grow your business while honoring Christ at You can reach Jenny Rose at, or follow her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Be sure to sign up to get a free cheat sheet of 19 irresistible headlines that will transform your blog!

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