Art MitchChristian Youth Online

I AM Determined

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)

Hey, Hey, great people, I know everyone is still excited about last month, because it was about food and gifts and family. This year it was a bit different from our normal family gatherings. I’m hearing a lot of families had virtual dinners and interacted over the internet.

I’ve got a question for you! Have you ever been so sure about something, and you just know you had to get it done no matter what? Like whatever you had going there was nothing that could stop you from getting it done. Whether it is a test or a project, you were determined to get it done. However there is a “but” in this scenario. There are times we start a thing and take our time to do it right and we end up looking past it, which leads us to forget about it. We begin to become less determined about it and we soon find that it is gone.

This weekend, I watched this amazing movie with my family called Jingle Jangle. This movie reminded me of you all. He had great talent was so determined to make the invention, but he allowed life situations, to take away that one thing he was passionate about. For most of us, we let life hit us and we forget about the importance of school, family, and etc. We have to be determined to finish everything we started, and finish the race like the scripture says.

As we are coming upon the end of the year, and I encourage you to go back, and look at assignments, test, projects, whatever you had put on your determined to do list. Look at those items and take inventory. Then fight the good fight, and finish strong,

Mr. I AM