Daily DiscernI DoMichelle Gott Kim

I DO! – LOVESICK! – June 4th

June 4, 2021


Song of Songs 2:5b-6, ‘Help me and hold me, for I am lovesick! I am longing for more—yet how could I take more? His left hand cradles my head while His right hand holds me close. I am at rest in this love.’ (TPT)

From the moment we are birthed, we embark on a journey that is unique to each one of us. One of the dreams we are each headed toward is a forever love with that special someone, that soulmate.

Relationships perhaps have always been so threadbare and tedious; I don’t know. But they are today for sure. People are expendable is what the capacity of our reasoning seems to be now. We have disposable relationships and throw-away marriages and replacement families. Everything today is refundable. But is it really? There is always a cost; we are human. Nothing in life is free. Relationships and marriages and families are non-refundable. But our culture produces a false teaching because when something gets difficult, when the going gets tough, we are counseled to just walk away, to never look back, and make sure you are extra sneaky so you can walk with as much as possible.

God intended us for relationships, however; He designed us to have to work at our ‘I DO’. Our ‘I DO’ was never meant to be a walk in the park or a promised rose garden; work is going to be required for success. Always. We don’t like things that are work though, and tough. We have evolved to just give up and give in when it became too difficult.

Your Father, the Lover of your soul, is so vested in you that He is willing to work at this relationship. He is so willing He sent His Son to this world to pay our penalty when the ransom came due. His Son showed up at the drop off place, at the intersection of life and death, the cross, with the payment in the palm of His hands. That was the Father’s ‘I DO’ to you and me. The ultimate oath was promised, and the most important vows one can ever speak are voiced when we utter ‘I DO’ in response. And what’s more? You can be wholly at rest there in His embrace.

What a promise ‘I Do’ is! Whether we are committing to a person
or simply being intentional in life, our word should be a cherished commodity.
This month, journey with me in ‘I Do’ moments which are an oath, a vow, a pact,
a pledge, an honorarium.