Daily DiscernI DoMichelle Gott Kim

I DO! – My Son – June 18th

June 18, 2021

My Son

Proverbs 1:8-9, ‘Pay close attention, my child, to your father’s wise words and never forget your mother’s instructions. For their insight will bring success, adorning you with grace-filled thoughts and giving you reins to guide your decisions.’ (TPT)

I don’t know of too many things that bring more joy and sometimes comical pleasure at this time in a person’s life than watching your own children parent their children. This is true for me for sure. You know, when you bite your tongue as they admonish their child with the same threats you once used which they despised. Or when you look the other way, hiding the smirk behind your hand as your grandchild remarks in the same manner your child once did. You silence your giggle as your grown child chides, ‘Don’t you look at me in that tone of voice!’ or ‘Stop your crying or I’ll really give you something to cry about!’ How about when you recall the time that they stated effectively, ‘I’m never going to treat my children this way…that is, if I even have any children!’ and then you wander around the corner just to hear them repeat the very words that once fell from your lips. Oh, the conundrum of it!

But even more so, comes the joy of watching planted seeds sprout and grow in the fertile soil of your grandchildren. My son is an amazing example of a good dad to his son. The bond they have is inspiring and their respect for one another restores hope in honor and obedience in newer generations where it seems those characteristics have been long forgotten. I get to witness this cool father-son commitment silently speaking an evident ‘I Do’ to one another as they make their way through this journey called life. It is refreshing, encouraging, as they work out the details of their life together.

I am reminded how difficult it is to parent, and especially to be a dad. Dads, you are the leader of a family, the head of a household. God, our Heavenly Father, like Himself, intended you to be the umbrella over your wife and children. He intended for you to be respected and for you also to deserve that respect. He set you as an example for your family to follow and for you to point the way to the Father Who is your role model. He gave you a huge responsibility, and He also made you capable for the task. Unfortunately, our enemy wants to thwart the role of fathers and he desires to cause you to doubt yourself and your ability and your purpose. I think if Satan could create devastation and chaos in the mind of our dads, he would likely gain an even more blatant stronghold in our families as the role of fathers is replaced with disrespect and failure.

Son, you are noticed, revered, needed, and your son and your mom high-five you for your strength, commitment, and perseverance. God bless you for your hard work, good example and great rapport with your little boy. He is so blessed to call you father and friend. Happy Father’s Day.

What a promise ‘I Do’ is! Whether we are committing to a person or simply being intentional in life, our word should be a cherished commodity. This month, journey with me in ‘I Do’ moments which are an oath, a vow, a pact, a pledge, an honorarium.