Daily DiscernI DoMichelle Gott Kim

I DO! – Worrywart – June 24th

June 24, 2021


Luke 12:25-26; 31-32, ‘”Does worry add anything to your life? Can it add one more year, or even one day? So, if worrying adds nothing, but actually subtracts from your life, why would you worry about God’s care of you?
‘”As you passionately seek His kingdom, above all else, He will supply your needs. So don’t ever be afraid, dearest friends! Your loving Father joyously gives you His kingdom with all its promises!”’ (TPT)

What is your greatest concern? If you had to list the one thing which is your gravest burden, what would it be? It’s a fact; what has our attention and effort is what eventually owns us.

We all have just experienced—been through and survived—the longest year of some of our lives. From the pandemic and fear of infection and potential health risks which for some even resulted in death or loss of loved ones, to job losses and a shocking homeschooling degree landed in our laps, to safer at home policies and national shutdowns, to isolation and panic buying, to faces hidden behind masks and an economic crisis of disastrous proportions…the list is endless. That’s not to mention riots on many city streets and a racial catastrophe gripping everyone by their throats or the careless way we now are treating human life and an emergent election which hasn’t allowed for anyone to move forward peacefully.

So, what worries you? Finances? Relationships? Health? Loneliness? The future? Maybe for some, it’s the past? Shame? Whatever it is, that ‘thing’ is very real for every one of us. But who do you run to when the apprehension becomes so overwhelming, it is hard to breathe? Sometimes we displace the burdens we carry on to someone else who was never meant to carry our load because they have their own. Yet that expectation gets in the way of the relationship when they are unable to fix what has befallen us; we find ourselves feeling let down and uncared for, but all along, it was never theirs to manage or resolve.

Did you know that the One Who created you, knows intimately your fears and worries? He is well aware of what troubles you, and while He may not choose to ‘fix’ it, He certainly wants to accompany you through it, through the upheaval and heartache, the tensions and trouble. There is a level of commitment we can take a chance on with Him because He is wanting the same ‘I Do’ from you. And that is, to lay your worries on Him because He cares for you, because He wants to be the One you allow to hoist the burden you are feeling buried beneath. He has strong shoulders, a deep lap and a big heart, and He is simply waiting on you to trust Him enough that you will acquiesce your load to Him.

Luke 12:34, ‘”Where you deposit your treasure, that is where you fix your thoughts—and your heart will long to be there also.”’ (TPT)

What a promise ‘I Do’ is! Whether we are committing to a person
or simply being intentional in life, our word should be a cherished commodity.
This month, journey with me in ‘I Do’ moments which are an oath, a vow, a pact,
a pledge, an honorarium.