Arts & PoetryChristian LivingShawna Wright

Jesus Had a Grandmother Too

By Shawna Wright

“Excuse me, how old is your baby?”

She smiled at me and said “She’s nine months old ”

Tears welled up inside me as her baby wriggled and gave me a huge smile. I explained to her that I hadn’t seen my grand-baby since she was one week old and was trying to imagine how big she was.

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We are not told her name, in fact she’s never mentioned but my heart identifies with her.  Jesus had a Grandmother.

Excitement must have soared and like any other mother I’m sure she immediately started making wedding plans. Her daughter was engaged!  There were lists to be made, extra provisions to be put up.  Her daughter deserved the best wedding possible!  Then as suddenly as her excitement soared it plummeted.  Congratulations turned to nasty looks and gossip.  As a mother I’m sure she trusted her daughter and had no doubts that she told the truth but that didn’t diminish the pain she endured.

This was only the beginning of losses her heart would endure. Just when she longed for her daughter’s companionship the most, she left.

At last her daughter returned, as well must have her excitement.  Her special grandson would soon be born!  I’m sure she felt his little kicks and punches as she reassured her daughter and passed on her experience of giving birth.  Her mind must have again raced ahead.  She would be at her daughter’s side, she would hold her hand, and she would mop her brow. Then!  Then, she would hold her special, grandson, the Promised Messiah!

Loss is never so keenly felt as when it’s experienced alongside high expectations.  Once again an announcement was given, once more she would be separated from her daughter. Any hopes she may have had to be at the birth would have been crushed.  I’m sure they both shed tears as she must have patted her daughter’s belly and hugged her goodbye.  She would miss the birth but what mother wouldn’t console her loss by thinking of plans for a celebration when they returned.

One week passed then another.  There was no FaceTime  no phone calls, not even a mailman to deliver a letter.  Then one day she was given the most terrifying news.  Jealous Herod had murdered every baby boy in the town where she last knew her grand-baby was.

The Bible records the horrors of this time “A cry is heard in Ramah— deep anguish and bitter weeping.  Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted— for her children are gone.” Jeremiah 13:15

I would like to add my version. A cry is heard in Ramah – deep anguish and bitter weeping.  Rachel’s mother weeps for her daughter’s and the loss of her grandchildren, refusing to be comforted…

Did she cling to hope because she knew her grand-baby was the promised Messiah?

There is no exact record as to when the little family returned to Nazareth.  From what we do know we can assume Jesus was over two years of age.  Being that she raised her daughter to worship God, we also can assume that she found comfort in trusting the little family to His care.

Like the matriarchs that have gone before me I find comfort in knowing my little family hundreds of miles away, is safe in His care.

“I will establish my covenant between me and you and your children and your grandchildren, to be your God and the God of your descendants.” Genesis 17:7