Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 12, 2020

LadyBug, have you ever taken a floating trip on a river? Do you remember how hard it was to row that raft/canoe/kayak? Not that it was difficult at all times, but there were times you had to row and row to get yourself back on track? If you just floated, sometimes you would find yourself going toward the bank. Once you hit the bank, you had to use the oars to get back into the flow of the river.
Our spiritual life is like a floating trip. There are times we can just rest easy in the peaceful flow of the river as we allow God to lead our lives. We are in the center of the river as the current leads us where we need to be. But then, there are those times when we get off course and hit the banks. For some reason or another, we get out of the center current and we are swept to the banks to battle our way back to the peaceful flow. When we are in the peaceful center current, we are in tune with God and we are connecting with Him. Then for some reason, we stick an oar in the water and there we go, drifting off into the bank. Once we hit that bank, we struggle to get away from it.
We need to learn to just trust the center current. Even when the center of the river gets a little bumpy with some rapid water flow, we just need to rest assured that God will get us through those rough patches without us sticking that oar in the water as we try to go a different direction. He will let you know when you need to put that oar in the water and row.
May you enjoy your journey and the river of hope that God has placed you on.
~Cyndi Kay
1 Peter 5:7
Proverbs 3:5-6
Philippians 4:6-7
James 1:2-4
John 16:33