Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 16, 2020

I ask you to look to me child. Look to me for all your needs. Do not look to those around you who think they know you. Rather let me be your righteousness. My daughter, I have made a way for you to be holy unto me. I have made a way for you to become reconciled with me, The Father. Others may think they know the plans for you, but only I will know them. Trust me for your righteousness. Trust me for your vision. Trust me for your plans of a future designed specifically for you.
LadyBug, this is what our Father is telling us about being righteous. He wants us to come to Him and let His glory shine for all to see. No one else can tell us what our future holds nor can they dictate our holiness before the Lord. As we seek to follow God and know His will in our lives, we must remember that others may not agree with those plans. But that is on them. We just need to keep pressing in and listening to the voice that will lead us in truth and righteousness.
It is not up to us to pull back the bow and get the arrow in the mark. Jesus did that on the cross. It is up to us to follow Jesus as He becomes our righteousness in God.
~Cyndi Kay
Romans 3:22
Psalm 145:17
Philippians 3:9
1 John 3:7