Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 23, 2020

As we press forward into another day, let us always remember to know that it is all about Love. The very foundation of our salvation and purpose is Love. We were created with a special purpose because God loves us so much more than we can ever understand. We were offered the salvation of the cross because Jesus loves us, and the Father more than we could know. It all began with the love of God. What else could clean us up from what we once were? How could we ever be where we are today without the love of God? Oh, how precious is the love that He showers us with on a daily basis. We can never do enough to deserve that love, and thankfully, we do not have to do anything. Nothing other than accept the love He gives and allow Him to lead us as we walk through this crazy world.

There is no better foundation to build a relationship with Jesus, than to know that love He has for us as his children. All we need to do is stand on that foundation as we grow into a relationship that will give us strength, hope, and encouragement to pursue the promises that God has given us. The foundation is the hardest part of anything. It is the beginning of whatever you are building. Whether it be a building or knowledge, the foundation is what holds everything else in the right place. It keeps us from falling over. The foundation is what steadies us as we keep going.
LadyBug stand on that foundation of love that goes deeper than you can imagine. Let that love be the very thing that gives you strength to stand when the world says you should fall.
~Cyndi Kay
1 Corinthians 3:11
Ephesians 1:4
1 John 4:8
Colossians 3:14