Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 8, 2020

LadyBug, today I just simply want to encourage you. I want you to understand that even though we often hear about the ministries and gifts, we are all called to be at least one of those in the 5-fold ministry. For far too long we have thought that we cannot be a part of something like that because we have no titles or papers. But my sweet friend, let me say this. God has called all of us to evangelize. All of us we instructed to go out and be fishers of men. We are to share the gospel and promote the love of God.
Sharing the Gospel is a part of how we evangelize. When we go out and minister to someone and we begin to share scripture with them. We are evangelizing. We are teaching them to trust God and His word. We are instructing them how to find help in a time of need. That is what God meant when He said to proclaim the good news. When you go to on a missionary trip, you are walking in the role of an evangelist. We have made it so complex and regulated by rules and laws that we have missed so many opportunities to share the Word of God. For instance, me writing this devotional is evangelism. It is how I share the Word of God so that you would be encourage and find hope.
LadyBug, we are all able and qualified to reach others. But first we must know that it is God who called us and not man. Go fishing my LadyBug! Cast that bait and let it be consumed!
~Cyndi Kay
Ephesians 4:11
Mark 16:15-16
Acts 1:8
Matthew 28:19