Christian LivingMelissa Labieniec

Keep Moving

“You can’t steer a parked car” (unknown).

I’ve heard that quote spoken many times. I’m not sure where I first heard it or who came up with it initially, but I know it’s etched on my brain permanently. Not only have I heard it said by people in my life, but I’ve read it in books, blogs and memes, among other places.
I love it because it’s so simply true in a massively understated way but it’s also powerful and slightly convicting. The point is that it sure does grab your attention and force you to think.

You can’t steer a parked car. Exactly. You can’t steer a car that’s just sitting there and not moving forward. You HAVE to move it. Start the engine. Press the gas and go forward before you can choose a direction to go in.

Many years ago, I was at a loss of what to do next in life. I was bored. My kids were both getting older and beginning to need me less and less. My eldest was off to college and my youngest was keeping me only half busy. My husband had a demanding job with lots of travel. You likely know the story. I was a stay-at-home mom, but without a ton to actually do besides fold some laundry. BORING. I had time to do something, but I didn’t really know what. I was at a loss. So, I had a conversation with my amazing and ever-wise husband who told me rather bluntly that I couldn’t steer a parked car.

Basically, he told me to just do something. Anything. Because if I sat around and did nothing it would lead nowhere. He also said that God wasn’t going to just plunk some huge and important to-do list in my lap. People don’t walk around catching dreams out of the sky. I needed to think for myself. I needed to do something. I needed to at least move.

He was right and I knew it instantly. I was complaining I didn’t know what I could do. I was complaining something wasn’t being divinely dropped my way. All the while, I was unwilling to move my car. Mine was parked. I wanted to go somewhere good, but I didn’t really know where or how.
Looking back, I believe I just wanted God to steer and drive for me, with no effort on my part.

Of course, we all know the song about letting “Jesus Take The Wheel” (Carrie Underwood) and the deep meaning behind it. We are supposed to let Jesus guide and direct our lives. He is in control and we need to let Him be. While there is an undeniable element of truth to that, it still doesn’t mean we do nothing. It doesn’t mean we get to sit around, chill with our movies and popcorn and wait for God to do all the work for us. As if he’s just going to rain down grandiose dreams and visions even though we didn’t move a muscle or use any brain power? No! He needs willing and capable vessels, not couch potatoes, to do His work.

Another quote:
“You can’t get something for nothing” (also unknown).

That is probably the truest thing you will ever come to know in this life. At least, for me, it was and still is. You can’t. You won’t. You have to work for any and all success you attain in life, however big or small that looks to you. You have to move. You have to think. You have to work. You have to do something, or nothing will ever happen. You have to turn your car on and begin to just… go. Only then can you maneuver it in the direction God wants to move you in.

How do you do that?

The obvious:
Pray. Worship. Read your Bible. Dig into His Word. Bask in His Presence. Go to church. Make Jesus your life and your number one priority. Ask Him to direct you and show you His Will for your life.

The not so obvious:
Journal. Vision cast. Write down some goals (big or small). Research things that interest you. Make connections. Get involved. Join a ministry. Do stuff that might be out of your comfort zone but also makes you feel alive. JUST DO SOMETHING. Trust Him! He will begin to move you into what suits you.
That’s what I did the very next day after my heartfelt talk with my husband. I decided enough was enough, and I was going to turn my dusty car on and begin to creep forward, so I could start to steer it and He could begin to guide me.

From there, I got momentum going and many different things have happened. Some random. Some predictable. All good. It’s been a couple of years since that night but very specifically, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree from Bible College and it was all directly because of that talk about moving my parked car. It propelled me into school. From there I realized I have a knack for (and love of) writing and now I’m blogging, submitting to magazines and have even been published! How great is our God? All I did was take the first step and He directed me.

Our conversation years ago remains a moment I am forever grateful for because these days I feel busy. I’m definitely no longer bored. I have goals (short term and long term) and something wonderful to focus on.

But I won’t pretend I always have it figured out since that night. No way! I’m still steering my car back and forth and “mapping” it out. Sometimes the car even momentarily stalls but I just keep turning it back on and going no matter what.

For you, too, friend, there will always be times when you are unsure of what your next move should be, but all you need to do is remember that you should never let your car stop and die. Restart it if you have to. Just keep moving so you can steer it with God’s blessing and direction.
There are times where you may need to realign. Reroute. Change direction. Take a new road. Slow down. Speed up. It’s never going to be one hundred percent clear one hundred percent of the time.

All of that is okay, so long as you are moving forward. Never stop moving somewhere. Just keep steering your car and see where it takes you!