Brittany CrawfordKids Clubhouse

Kids Club July Book Revew: A Hat for Ivan, Max Lucado

A Hat For Ivan
By: Max Lucado
Illustrated By: David Wenzel

Hello children!!!! This month, I would like to tell you about another book by our friend Max Lucado, A Hat for Ivan. It is a great read for my friends who are in first-5th grade. It involves a little boy named Ivan, who couldn’t wait for his tenth birthday. This was when he would get a hat of his very own. Ivan was very lucky to have a father who made all different kinds of hats. However, his friends, Anita, Bruno, and Felix gave him each a hat of his very own.

There were three big hats, and one little boy. This was a big load to carry, and two of the hats were so heavy, that when Ivan carried them, he fell over, and walked into a wall. However, Ivan didn’t want to hurt his friend’s feelings, even if the hats didn’t fit. His wish was that his dad, a hat maker, make him a hat for his tenth birthday. Will Ivan get his wish? This, my friends, you will have to read the book to find out.

I love this children’s book for two reasons. First, A Hat for Ivan teaches children about feelings and how they relate to our friends. For example, if a friend was slightly bigger than you, would you tell him or her? What if your friend got new glasses and you didn’t like them? Would you tell your friend how you feel? Secondly, this book encourages children to stand up for what they want. Ivan really wanted his Dad to design a new hat for him. However, Ivan felt like he had to take his friends’ special gifts or it would hurt them.

A Hat for Ivan would make an excellent addition for any child’s library. Buy your copy on today.