BusinessJanis Rodgers

Learning From the Entrepreneurial Roller Coaster

I have been working my business full-time for a little over a year, and I have come so far! The entrepreneur life is not for the weak or the wishy-washy. It has ups and downs that mimic the scariest roller coaster, and at times you feel like you have been flung from the coaster up into the air-not knowing where you will fall. Yes, it is that varied. In my first year, I have had over 20 clients come and go and have had three that have been with me for six months to a year. I have some who want projects occasionally, and some that have decided to do the work themselves or their income has decreased to where they cannot afford me. All of this change is hard, but it has taught me some very valuable lessons.

Do Your Best for EVERY Client
As Christians, God calls us to excellence. This includes how you do your work. If I half do it and leave ends untied that a client has to come back and fix, it shows I am not doing it with excellence. I want my clients to see Jesus in the way that I do everything, including in the work I turn in.

Don’t Take It Personally When They Choose to Leave
This is probably one of my biggest lessons I have learned this week. Y’all I am sensitive, and I take my work seriously. It is no wonder that I feel a loss when a client decides to go in a different direction. I have had to learn how to come to terms with a client leaving more productively. Sometimes I have had to remind myself if they are leaving, God has something more for me. It is a lesson I am still learning but taking it personally does me no service.

Remember You Are On a Roller Coaster, So Buckle Up
Would you ride a roller coaster with your safety harness unbuckled? Yeah, neither would I. I think to enjoy the ride of entrepreneurship, you have to prepare. Prepare by finding a coach, continuing to learn, managing your money, and giving yourself grace when things go upside down. If you are focused on your goal and staying consistent, you will remain seated in the coaster and won’t be deterred by any wild changes in direction.

Don’t Burn Bridges
I have a post-it on my computer that says, “1 person will tell nine who will tell 16! Word of mouth sells!” It reminds me every single day to be kind to all people, whether they are my client right now or not. I work very hard to stay in contact with previous clients and to cheer them on via their social media channels. I think this keeps me in their mind, and it could result in someone else learning about me and my services.

Riding a roller coaster can be fun but also scary and exhilarating! By understanding what you are getting into and buckling up, you can withstand the ride no matter how bumpy. Get out there and change the world!

Janis is a content creator and virtual assistant for Christian service-based entrepreneurs. Her goal is to take those admin tasks off your plate so that you can focus on your clients and zone of genius! You can learn more about her and read her blog on