Cyndi Kay GreenInspiration from the Shelves: Authors who Inspire

Meeting Inspiring Authors: Jenny Delacruz, author, publisher, counselor

This week’s Author who Inspires comes from Philadelphia and holds multiple degrees. She has a passion for publishing books that promote thinking skills and emotional development. Christian Women Living Magazine would like to introduce our readers to Jenny Delacruz, writer, publisher, and counselor.

Cyndi Kay Green: Please introduce yourself and give us a brief history of you and your family.
Jenny Delacruz: I’m a writer and a licensed counselor who is the founder of Cobbs Creek Publishing. I’m a wife and mom of 2 boys. My family is multicultural. My roots are from Haiti and my husband’s roots are from the Philippines.

CK: Can you give us a summary on your journey with Christ — from the time you accepted Christ, to how you started in ministry.
JD: I accepted Christ at the age of 13 and understood right away that I needed to be saved from my sins. It was not until college where I studied the bible more intently with a group of peers that I understood fully that salvation is based on grace alone and through faith alone.

CK: Tell us about Cobbscreek Publishing and how it came to be?
JD: Cobbs Creek was formed out of a desire to have the freedom to publish books that were untraditional in a sense. The books we published promote critical thinking skills and emotional development while talking about hard topics in an age appropriate way. I’m excited to have a small team with another author, editor, and audio book voice narrator.

CK: When did you first become interested in writing?
JD: I always loved reading and did not like writing, even in college. My interest in writing came as an adult and was born out of frustration. My oldest son wanted to learn about the history of Haiti, and I could not find a children’s book about it anywhere, so my husband suggested I write it and that is how this journey began.

CK: How difficult was it to incorporate a publishing company, writing and counseling into one career?
JD: I found the greatest challenge was placing boundaries on my time working. When you own a business, the work never really ends. I learned really quickly the importance of setting a schedule and sticking to it to prevent burn out and ultimately, it helped me to rely on the Lord.

CK: What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?
JD: I’m actually taking a break from writing and supporting other authors at the moment. But when I was writing, I would get up before the kids to write and then continue after they went to bed. I did this to stay present with my family.

CK: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
JD: When I’m not writing I enjoy biking on a trail, dancing with my family, and reading various diverse children books aloud to kids. I started a YouTube channel called story time mélange way before I started writing to showcase books that featured diverse characters.

CK: What was your favorite book to write and why?
JD: My latest book “How was Your Summer?” was my favorite book to write because I was able to tap into what I learned and observe from counseling to support parents and teachers.

CK: What was your favorite book as a child? As an adult?
JD: I love the story of Corduroy by Don Freeman because the girl who I identified with wanted to take home the stuffed bear despite its flaws. At a young age, I interpreted it as a story of acceptance and internalized that for myself.

CK: Tell us about a time that God directly answered a prayer.
JD: The most recent very small thing is I lost my coupon book prior to my grocery store trip and I said under my breath I was looking forward to those savings. Then as I was going to check out, an older woman told me she had an extra coupon and wanted to give it to me. I was able to get a percentage off my entire order.

CK: What are some of the biggest challenges facing women today — and women ministries?
JD: I believe the biggest struggle is how to live life and do ministry in the midst of COVID-19 and the awareness of race relations in our nation.

CK: What is your favorite story of the Bible?
JD: In the Old Testament, the Book of Esther is one I love to read over and over again. It’s dramatic and shows the irony of how the oppressor was defeated by their own device.

CK: Best piece of advice you’ve ever received.
JD: My mentor told me years ago, if you have at least 1 or 2 lifelong friends then you are blessed. ⁠Everyone talks about having a tribe, but I believe that all you need is a faithful few.

CK: Is there anything else you would like to say? Take this opportunity to promote your own ministry, project, business or share what God has put on your heart recently.
JD: Cobbs Creek Publishing is running a kick starter until October 5th. We are raising money to provide thoughts of teachers and parents with a copy of “How Was Your Summer”. More details can be found on our site.

CK: Where can our readers find you on the internet?
JD: You can on Instagram at IG, Facebook, and YouTube at Cobbs Creek Publishing.

Thank you Jenny for taking time to share your story with our readers at Christian Women Living Magazine.