Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

November 2, 2020

And the very God of Peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful Is he that calleth you, who will also do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (KJV)

Sanctify, what exactly does this mean to us as Christian Women? In this verse sanctify comes from the Greek word hagiazó which means to make holy or consecrate. In other words, to set apart. We are set apart when we choose to follow God’s will in our lives. As we walk this life growing in Christ and set apart, we are to walk with integrity and soundness in our faith. Though we will not walk perfectly, we walk in a way that will bring honor to our Father in heaven. God is God who will stand true to His word and promises. God has called all of us to walk in the life of Salvation, it is up to us to answer that call. Once we answer, God will begin to perfect His promises in our lives. This doesn’t mean we are perfect; it means that He is perfect in our lives, even when we have an off day.

How many days have I missed this mark and let my emotions get in the way of walking in a way that will honor our Father? Let me tell you it has been more than I want to count. But Praise God, I do not have to stay stuck in that muck. I learn and I move forward. That is all we can do when we find ourselves in a place that is not very becoming. We accept that we have missed it and we let God help us get back on track.

LadyBug we are not called to be perfect in life, but we are called to let God’s perfection become part of us as we navigate this journey. Don’t remain stuck in the muck of something that is easily walked away from. But walk in the integrity that comes with being set apart by God.

Let us walk with a heart that is blameless and full of integrity so that we are set apart for the coming of the Lord.

Much Love,
~Cyndi Kay