Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

October 16, 2020

Finally, Abram said to Lot, “let’s not allow this conflict to come between us or our herdsmen. Afterall, we are close relatives. Genesis 13:8 (NLT)

How often do we let conflict come between us and a family member? More and more I see people commenting about not having family they can count on because of something said or done in the past. I hear so many stories of how people have lost a relationship with a family member over some sort of disagreement. Being rejected by family is one of the hardest things we can face as adults. I think this is because we just don’t understand how someone we grew up with and love so much could just stop being a part of our life. God never intended for His children to live that way. He wants us to live peaceably with each other in a way what we can flourish individually yet come together in unity when needed.

Rather than fight over space for their families, herds, crops, and workers, Abram and Lot separated so they could both prosper and grow. Being able to separate from your family in order to prosper is not necessarily a bad thing. It allows you to be used in the manner in which God had planned. He does not want us holding a grudge for something that probably won’t matter in 2 hours. That is not His definition of separating and living in peace. When we allow conflict to arise between us and a family member, we are giving the enemy ground to destroy us and steal our joy. We are giving him a way to cause strife in our lives. Far too many families are divided because of the evil one. It is time to say, “No more conflict!” We need to stand up for peace and unity.

LadyBug decided to resolve issues before the tear apart family is a sign of wisdom and compassion. Walk in that wisdom so that you will not know conflict with family.

Let us strive to cease division among family and promote unity through Christ.

Much Love,
~Cyndi Kay