Cyndi Kay GreenGiveawaysToday's Hope

October 2, 2020

But now Jesus, our High Priest, has been given a ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood, for he is the one who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises.
Hebrews 8:6 (NLT)

What a wonderful thing to know! Even though we know that Jesus is the cream of the crop, we can always use a reminder of who He truly is in the grand scheme of things. He is our High Priest that has went into the holy of holies and tore the veil so that we could approach the Mercy Seat in search of forgiveness. He defeated death and hell so that we would have atonement for our sins. He doesn’t have to have bells on the hem of His robe. He has the most magnificent ministry of all priests. He is the one who gave all that He had as a sacrifice for our sins. What a precious Savior He is to us. We did not deserve all that He did, but His blood made us worthy. We can now receive all the goodness that God has for us. We are now able to receive every promise that God ever made.

The ministry of Jesus is far better than that of an Old Testament priest. There is no better sacrifice that was made and there is no better intercessor for us.

LadyBug rejoice in knowing that we have a High Priest that gave so much more than any other priest before Him and because of that, we have full access to the Father any time we need to be heard.

Let us remember what Jesus did to become the High Priest that gave us access to the Father.

Much Love,
~Cyndi Kay

Journey Shoppe/Today’s Hope Lady Bug #4