Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

October 4, 2020

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3: 5-6. (NLT)

These words are not uncommon to our ears. Any time we share our struggles, some one will always tell us that we need to “trust God” and “let Him lead you.” Oh, how true they are!!

Let me tell you, right now I have to use red lipstick to put these words on my mirror so I can see them every day, ALL day! It’s tough when we face something that we have no idea how it will work out. We know we are doing what God has asked, but we are kind of winging it because we don’t have the master plan. That is hard for some of us to grasp, but praise God, we can grasp it and not let go!!

Trusting God always involves a change in our lives and as humans, change is sometimes very difficult. So, when we are faced with these situations, trusting God is the best place to find hope and peace. This is where the trusting with our heart comes in to play. When we trust with our hearts as humans, we are basically saying that we are giving our most vulnerable part of us to trust that we will make through something. God knows we take a lot of consideration about the giving of our hearts. That is why He asks us to trust us will all of our heart. He knows how we define that type of trust. He knows that we are acknowledging that there is nothing as important as trusting with our hearts.

He also knows that as flesh, we want to understand everything that affects us. We want to understand how each decision will affect our lives and the lives of our children. But, when it comes to following God and HIS will for our lives, understanding will get in our way. We will focus too much on trying to understand and we stop trusting that God has the plan.

LadyBug even though it can seem overwhelmingly difficult, trust God’s wisdom in all that you do. He will not lead you anywhere He will not go with you. He will only lead you into life and an abundant life at that.
Let us know the trust of God’s wisdom and not lose focus on understanding. He has promised to show us which path to take.
Much Love,
~Cyndi Kay