Christian LivingKara EdwardsMarriage

Praying Over Your Spouse

“I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers…” 

Ephesians 1:16

How often do you pause and pray for your spouse? Too often I worry about Ryan, get frustrated at him, and even forget about his needs before I remember to stop and pray for him. Prayer is our best offense and defense in marriage. As believers, it is the greatest tool we have been given for the marital relationship. God is for marriage. He is eager to hear you cry out on behalf of your spouse and He is ready to act on your behalf and theirs for His glory and your good.

I cannot tell you how many times in our 13 years of marriage I have been so burdened with a frustration toward my husband, or a miscommunication, or a hurt that I didn’t know how to convey and when I have turned to the Lord in prayer instead of confronting him immediately, I have seen God work so powerfully in both of our hearts. It’s not that I pray, and God brings my husband crawling to my feet apologetically and I can just get what I want or what think is best. It’s not about me. It’s that God proves over and over that He is for us and He is for marriage. He softens both of our hearts. He draws 

Here are some specific ways to pray for your husband! 

Lord, I thank you for ________. We don’t always agree, and we have changed a lot over the years. I pray though that you would unite us in love. Please increase our affections toward one another. May _____ be attracted to me physically and emotionally. Help me to love him/her the way you do and to see them with Your eyes. 

Faith – Increase of faith and knowledge of the Lord. Longing for the Lord and the things of the Lord. He would love the Lord will all of his heart, soul, mind and strength and hate evil. 

Protection – Physically (safety), spiritually (Biblical teaching/reading), emotionally (offenses and discouragement) and mentally (controlling thoughts/believing truth). 

Repentance – Any sin would be revealed to him and that he would confess it to Jesus, and that Jesus would forgive and grant him repentance. 

Wise – He would be wise in parenting, leading in the home, wise with finances and using talents and resources. Wise in any decisions that may arise that day.

Health – Bless his health and healthy habits. 

Friendships – He would have strong friendships with other people who love Jesus and will encourage his faith and family commitments. 

Work – The work of his hands would be blessed. He would have favor from employers and be fruitful in all he does. 

Marriage – Faithfulness and purity in marriage with thoughts and actions and a desire to grow in intimacy with one another. May truthfulness, kindness and grace set the tone of the home and our marriage. 

Ministry – May God bring opportunities to serve and help others and may He use our marriage to point others to Jesus.

What a gift to be able to take our concerns, fears and frustrations to Jesus who can actually do something about them! As you begin to pray more and more for your spouse, I believe you will see God work in amazing and mysterious ways in both of your hearts and lives. May your marriage be full of His goodness and may Christ be glorified.