Daily DiscernMichelle Gott KimPrescribing Proverbs

Prescribing Proverbs – RX Eighteen – August 18th

August 18, 2021

A Proverb a day keeps Untruth away

Proverbs 1:1-6, ‘These are the wise sayings of Solomon, David’s son, Israel’s king—written down so we’ll know how to live well and right, to understand what life means and where it’s going; a manual for living, for learning what’s right and just and fair; to teach the inexperienced the ropes and give our young people a grasp on reality. There’s something here also for seasoned men and women, still a thing or two for the experienced to learn—fresh wisdom to probe and penetrate, the rhymes and reasons of wise men and women.’ (MSG)

Prescription (RX) Eighteen: Where Do You Hide?

Proverbs 18:10, ‘The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.’ (NKJV)

If ever we needed a strong tower to run to, it is now. I was at the pharmacy yesterday where I waited for almost two hours for a tetanus shot. The entire time I was there, there was a steady stream of people from all different walks of life, filling prescriptions, taking COVID tests, crying out for help, begging for a handout, needing something, needing Jesus, needing a strong tower. Many who were standing in lines to pick up prescriptions did not look physically infirm at all; they looked emotionally wrecked, mentally snapped, humanly fragile, utterly exhausted.

There is a common thread running through many lives today that seems to be unraveling. Humanity is hurting and coming undone with all the insecurity of the unknown, the gasp we all have taken which we cannot exhale, and the isolation and aloneness we are finding ourselves in. There is this palatable heartbeat of unsureness and misinformation, and not only are many starving for sustenance and provision, but we are starved for calmness and confidence and a lasting conviction that we will make it through this together.
I struggle to not find myself there also. Without Jesus, there is no way. Without the Lord, it would be impossible for me to have hope and regurgitate any sort of belief in the system we are in today. Every morning we awaken to another bomb blast of disaster and carelessness and detrimental news of epic proportions. There is not any rest in that, nor peace of any kind. But we as Christians can be assured of His hope for us and His help. We can be certain there is nothing outside of His control; no situation too difficult for Him to handle; not one thing surprising to the God of this Universe. And it likely is playing out just the way He ordained based upon the choices humanity has chosen along the route we are traveling.

Dear You, I know it is a jungle out there and maybe there is even a jungle in here where you find yourself. But be settled in your spirit; your Father loves you. He is for you and not against you and He has it all in His control. He is a place of strength and protection and solidarity, and you can run into His arms and be saved and safe.

I encourage you to do your own study of Proverbs as well as follow along with me! How it works: take a Proverb a day (there are 31, so perfect for the month of August) and read the chapter that corresponds with the day. Then stop on a verse that grips your attention. Focus on the verse(s) for the day as it is highly possible the Holy Spirit is speaking to you through what He helped you unearth. It’s almost like a Treasure Hunt! I will share with you this month Golden Nuggets the Holy Spirit leads me to, and I would love to have you share with me what He reveals to you in your mining excavation also!