Daily DiscernMichelle Gott KimPrescribing Proverbs

Prescribing Proverbs – RX Twelve – August 12th

August 12, 2021

A Proverb a day keeps Untruth away

Proverbs 1:1-6, ‘These are the wise sayings of Solomon, David’s son, Israel’s king—written down so we’ll know how to live well and right, to understand what life means and where it’s going; a manual for living, for learning what’s right and just and fair; to teach the inexperienced the ropes and give our young people a grasp on reality. There’s something here also for seasoned men and women, still a thing or two for the experienced to learn—fresh wisdom to probe and penetrate, the rhymes and reasons of wise men and women.’ (MSG)


Proverbs 12:1-3, ‘To learn the truth you must long to be teachable, or you can despise correction and remain ignorant. If your heart is right, favor flows from the Lord, but a devious heart invites His condemnation. You can’t expect success by doing what is wrong. But the lives of His lovers are deeply rooted and firmly planted.’ (TPT)

I love how the Passion Translation refers to us as Lovers of God. I think the opposite of the Lover of God is referred to as the Wicked. It has taken me many years to be a member of the society ‘Lovers of God’. I spent many years wandering and choosing my own paths, making my own decisions that benefited me and yet directly affected others, despising correction, practicing ignorance, being devious. I think a portion of what came across as disregard and opacity is simply because I could not accept how a person like me who had made so many poor choices and had lived so recklessly and treacherously could ever be a proud member of a high society profile and known as a Lover of God.
In the beginning of the Lord gripping my heart, I would ask the Lord to suit me in the whole armor of God. Everyday when I arrived at the piece of armor ‘the breastplate of righteousness’, I would weep. How could one like me be anything considered righteous? I was wrecked to learn that the Father looks at me through the lens of His Son, and what He sees is white-washed, clean and pure, upright, virtuous, honorable, all attributes of righteousness.

So while picking up our prescription for today, we are given options. We can choose to be teachable or we can be ignorant and undisciplined. We can choose integrity or be corrupt in our ways. We can dig deep and plant ourselves in fertile soil where our roots are firm and we grow, or we can brace ourselves on an unstable foundation, and when the first storm hits, we find ourselves hurled into the path of oncoming debris. After living a life of weakness, vulnerability and uncertainty for so long, and choosing compromise over decency, and consistently negotiating my demise, for me, I know I never want to go back to choosing that way of life again. I am so honored to be able to be considered a Lover of God, and if I can know this character trait in my own life, I invite you to also!

I encourage you to do your own study of Proverbs as well as follow along with me! How it works: take a Proverb a day (there are 31, so perfect for the month of August) and read the chapter that corresponds with the day. Then stop on a verse that grips your attention. Focus on the verse(s) for the day as it is highly possible the Holy Spirit is speaking to you through what He helped you unearth. It’s almost like a Treasure Hunt! I will share with you this month Golden Nuggets the Holy Spirit leads me to, and I would love to have you share with me what He reveals to you in your mining excavation also!