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Red Letters – Death, Where is Your Sting? April 4

April 4, 2021

Death, Where is Your Sting?

He said to her, “Dear woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?” Mary answered, thinking He was only the gardener, “Sir, if you have taken his body somewhere else, tell me, and I will go and…” “Mary,” Jesus interrupted her (TPT).’

Is it any wonder that Jesus would appear to this woman, Mary Magdalene, in the early morning hours of Day Three? In fact, it is believed that Mary of Magdala is the first eye-witness account of the risen Lord and the first also to hear His lips utter her name. I cannot imagine what that must have been like, to have made my way to a tomb that ensconced the body of who I had followed and worshiped and believed in, who I mourned, and find it empty, first of all, but then to have Him say my name, “Mary, why are you weeping?” Of all the people Jesus chose to make His first appearance on earth to, and it happened to be Mary!
But, is it any wonder? We find Mary Magdalene in so many places where we also found Jesus. To much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48), right? She had a huge need and He was the Answer. True, Mary pursued Jesus but I also believe that He demonstrates His pursuit of those He loves like Mary, like me.
I imagine myself in Mary’s heart. She has been through it all. Mary followed Jesus to the cross and then traveled to the tomb, and is now returned to the burial site perhaps for a private good-bye. I also imagine she was at the city square when He was sentenced and likely walked all the way to Golgotha. This Jesus transformed her life: He brought her from a miry pit and set her on a high place and put a new song on her lip. She had poured out at least a year’s wages from a canister of pure Nard and anointed the feet of Jesus with her tears, more costly than parfum, which she wiped with her hair.
But what had it cost for this kind of devotion? Jesus had transformed the inner sanctity of this woman once possessed by demons. I wonder the price tag I would be willing to pay to be unhinged from a legion of demons. I imagine I would gladly sacrifice everything I am for the entirety of my life to not only be set free from evil but to also be claimed by the one true King.
She is asked, ‘Why do you seek the living among the dead?’ and Mary does not find herself in a place of confusion but in a place, rather, of familiarity and comfort. I wonder if she knew the vast importance she had to this Jesus, to be worthy of His appearance and words, which reminds me this Easter of the great worth He has placed on me also, to seek me, to pursue me, to desire relationship with me, to be found alive and not dead, and to have done all of this for my good. Hosanna! He is risen!
I will return for just this moment to that tomb. I will walk through the opening and shield my eyes from the brilliance of the angel who has just rolled the stone aside. I am aware of the impenetrable darkness the further I venture and I smell the mustiness of the grave dressings. But those cloths lay free on the floor and light infiltrates the entrance to the cave, and I realize while I contemplate this moment; if He can come alive from the back of a borrowed grave so can I when He calls me out. He is calling me out. I hear Him call my name.

I’ve been reading RED LETTERS all my life, but never with my heart.
During the month of April, let’s JOURNEY where JESUS journeyed,
and listen with our hearts to all He came to proclaim.