Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

September 5, 2020

Kindness. Gestures that speak to others and give them hope. Words that encourage a person when they feel they have failed. Simple things that happen at the right time. Throughout God’s Word, we are instructed to show kindness and love to one another as God has shown to us. As Christians we have been taught that kindness is one of the 9 fruits of the spirit. Kindness is the sweetener in our Christian character.

You know how you sometimes just need to get that chocolate bar from the store? You just need that small taste of sweetness and creamy goodness of chocolate. It is like the icing on the cake; it just makes it taste better. What about the dessert after a fulfilling dinner? The way it just tops off the meal and you feel totally satisfied.

This fruit of kindness that we have as a Christian, is much like that chocolate bar or chocolate cake. It tops off the love we show when we are willing to show someone just one small act of kindness. Kindness is buying the burger and fries for that homeless woman who lost everything due to circumstances she couldn’t control. Kindness is taking your neighbors food when they are in isolation for covid testing. Kindness is just simply loving others. We were given the biggest gift of kindness when God gave His son to atone for our sins. God gave something with so much value to Him just so we could have access to Him.

LadyBug, we are loved by God in such a way we will never be able to repay His act of kindness. We can only hope to pay the kindness forward to others who need hope when they cannot see any hope. Kindness is the chocolate of the world. It is the topping on the cake that makes everything come together. When we are full from all the love that God has shown us, kindness just makes that love even sweeter!

Let us cultivate our fruit of kindness and be the chocolate the world needs to know that completeness in God.

~Proverbs 29:9 Galatians 5:22